
When a boy begs the bus driver to let him stay on the bus in order to avoid a bully, the bus driver allegedly forces him off

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Note: we are republishing this story to raise awareness about the dangers of bullying as well as the mental & physical repercussions it can have on students who are victims.

Police in Oklahoma have opened an investigation into a bullying incident that was caught on camera.

The video taken by a student shows a boy crying and begging the bus driver not to let him off the bus. He tearfully pleads with the driver, asking him to drop him off at his house, and not at the bus stop.

The boy is completely terrified, and the driver is heard yelling at him to get off the bus. Once he alights after being forced out, an older boy immediately chases him and attacks him.

The 47 second video shows the boy’s heart wrenching pleading just before the punches come raining down on him. It was clear that he did not want to get off the bus.

Another voice can be heard threatening to force him off the bus.

Major Rod Howell of the Mayes County Sheriff’s Office said: “The video is alarming itself and obviously, it’s enough to start an investigation.”

Major Howell stated that investigators were looking into the two cameras on the bus and another cell phone video for more evidence.

He stated that the school district was cooperating, and that investigators were working on obtaining the bus’ black box.

Locust Grove Public Schools a statement addressing the incident:

“Locust Grove Public Schools had an incident take place…on one of our school buses involving two students. The incident was turned over to law enforcement and the Mayes County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a complete investigation. The students’ and bus driver’s actions have been addressed internally.”

The district declined to comment on whether the bus driver was still employed.

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