
My Brother And I Are In Love With The Same Woman But She Thinks It’s A Game, Here Is How It Started

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The first time I saw Lisa was in 2019. I remember the clothes she was wearing like it was yesterday. I remember her facial expression and her posture as she stood talking to my childhood friend, Kay. There were rumours that the two of them were dating but that didn’t stop me from drooling over her. She has an irresistible beauty that turns her into a male magnet. And I was one of those men who gravitated toward her as though it was the most natural thing in the world. I became her secret admirer. I always positioned myself in places where I could see her but she wouldn’t see me. And I watched her from afar without talking to her.

I know I sound like a stalker, but I’m not. I just never had the opportunity to approach her. She was always in the company of people. It was during last year’s December festivities that my friends and I were taking photos close to where she was sitting. After taking a few selfies, we asked her to take my phone and take a photo of us. She gladly did it, and after that, I asked her, “Would you like me to take a photo of you as well?” She smiled and nodded. I took one photo and it turned out very beautiful. The photo is currently my wallpaper as I write this story. Anyway, that night was the night I got to know her name. Just like her, her name is beautiful. I liked the way it rolled off my tongue, Melisa. I didn’t get the chance to take her number that night, but I was not bothered. I knew it was just a matter of time before we would become friends.

The next time I saw her was on 31st December. I was playing the piano and she sat among the audience. And the entire time I was playing, my eyes were fixed on her. I watched every move she made. She seemed restless, and at some point, she went out to make a phone call. When she returned the choir was on stage and I was the lead singer. I saw her cast her eyes around trying to see who was singing but she couldn’t. I had hidden myself in the back. After service, I was making my way to her when I saw her panic at the sound of firecrackers and jumped into someone’s arms. That person happened to be my brother. The two of them started talking and walking out. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t notice me following them. I only turned around when I overheard my brother say, “Why don’t I walk you home? That way you will have ready arms to jump into when you get scared again.” She laughed at his joke, but knowing my brother, it was not a joke. He liked her, I saw it in the way he looked at her.

I knew my brother couldn’t win against me when it comes to women. He is usually slow and shy around them. He prefers to take his time to build a solid connection before he makes his move. I, on the other hand, am a go-getter. When I see a woman I like, I make my move. But when it came to Lisa I didn’t feel the need to rush things. However, seeing my brother throw his hat in the ring made me quicken my pace. I got Lisa’s number from someone in the church and texted her when I got home. She replied instantly, and then I sent her the photo I took of her. She responded, “Oh, this is beautiful. Thank you, I love it.” And that began our conversation.

The vibe we had was on a whole new level. I invited her for a face-to-face talk, and she came. That day we talked about life, our past, school, friends and our exes. She poured her heart out to me and I also did the same with her. While I was with Lisa, my brother texted me that he is in the advanced talking stage with two ladies, but he has seen that Lisa is the real deal, so he wants to focus his attention on her. I didn’t tell him about my intentions or feelings toward Lisa, or that I was with her at that moment. I only told him, “If you don’t want to keep talking to those girls anymore then don’t string them along and end up disappointing them.” After that, I put my phone away and gave all my ears to my beautiful date.

After we both got home from our date, we continued our talk on the phone. That was the night I asked her to be my girlfriend. She responded, “You don’t know this but I have always had a crush on you. You didn’t pay much attention to me so I thought you didn’t feel the same way about me. And now that you say you want to be with me, who am I to say no to that? If your happiness lies with me then I will give it to you.” After that, we got intimate and our bond intensified. The problem is that I have not had the courage to talk to my brother about her. He is pining after Lisa, without any clue that she is already mine. As if that’s not enough, Lisa found out that my brother and I are related. Instead of her talking to me about it, she drew a false conclusion that she is being played by two brothers. I tried to explain to her that it isn’t the case but she won’t listen.

She kept telling me, “I trusted you, but you hurt me. I feel so foolish for believing your interest in me was genuine.” Now she has blocked me on all the platforms I can reach her on. At this point, I don’t know what else to do to prove to her that I like her and that I haven’t plotted with my brother to play her. Please I need your advice.

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