
A Hiker was Lost And Desperate A Stranger with an Unusual Hobby Saved Him- Touching Story (Video)

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when renee compeen snapped a photo of his soot-stained legs hanging over a steep cascade of rocks he feared it was the last picture he’d ever take hopelessly lost while hiking in southern california.

He thought he might die i’m not ready the 45 year old man told himself as he repeatedly yelled for help and used charred sticks to write sos on any open surfaces he could find.

He had trekked through the angelus national forest trails more times than he could count he said but after venturing along a new path april 12th for what he intended to be a two-hour outing he lost his way several hours into the solo hike.

After many failed attempts at getting his bearings he was scared the temperature was dropping fast in the remote rugged terrain and the winds were whipping camping grabbed his cell phone which had less than 10 battery remaining and climbed to a spot where he was able to get at least one bar of signal sos my phone is going to die.

I’m lost pompein texted a friend along with two photos showing where he was the only one went through it was a picture of his legs the photo offered minimal information and given compien’s lack of cell phone signal the resolution was very low more importantly though comping didn’t realize his location settings were disabled on his phone still.

the grainy image was somehow detailed enough for a total stranger to decipher the hiker’s exact location ben cuo was working at his home about 60 miles away in ventura county california.

when he stumbled upon a tweet from the los angeles county sheriff’s department along with a photo of compien’s legs the sheriff’s search and rescue teams had already spent the previous night unsuccessfully looking for He so they released a photograph to the public hoping someone could help.

Watch Narration Video Below For Complete Details:

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