
Rep. Lauren Boebert Destroys Leftist Trying to Claim President Trump’s Children Were as Bad as Hunter Biden (VIDEO)

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The left is sick. Far-left zealot Dan Abrams took on Lauren Boebert and tried to claim that President Trump’s children were as bad as Hunter Biden. It didn’t go well for Abrams.

Dan Abrams is behind the website Law and Crime which always takes a far-left slant on cases it reports. He also has a podcast,” Dan Abrams Live.”

Conservative Brief reported that on Friday, Abrams invited US Rep. Lauren Boebert on his show. He began by comparing President Trump’s children to Hunter Biden. It didn’t go well.

Abrams shared:

You’re now requesting information on, among many other things, the sale of Hunter Biden’s artwork from a New York gallery owner. I understand the purpose, to understand if foreign governments were trying to curry favor with his father.

But if you go down that road, don’t you then also have to start looking into Ivanka‘s trademark deal with China and Jared Kushner and the Saudi, not to mention which diplomats from scary countries stayed at Trump family hotels, I mean all of that seems to relate to foreign governments possible efforts to get at dad, no?

Abrams was way out of line comparing Hunter Biden’s actions to President Trump’s children.

The Trump children were part of a family that Americans were, and are, proud of. Good looking, kind, smart and honoring of their father. The Trump children are role models for children around the world.

The Trump children have supported their father in making the country great only to have goons in the media compare them to Hunter Biden.

Hunter Biden was taking money from China, Russia and Ukraine. Over a billion was given to Hunter from Communist China. Millions flew threw Hunter’s hands with 10% to the big guy.

In addition, Hunter created a porn page where he uploaded pictures of himself having sex with women including a family member. This is sick. We haven’t seen anything remotely close to Hunter’s actions in the Trump family.

Dan Abrams tried to make this comparison and also tried to imply that Democrats are prosecuted and targeted the same as conservatives. He ignored the Russia collusion sham – the attempted coup of President Trump by the Deep State FBI and DOJ. I guess this was fine according to Abrams.

US Rep. Boebert would have none of it and she rebutted his claims nicely.

I think Democrats have been looking into the Trump family for several years now and have not been able to come up with anything, so if there was anything that was a national security threat, I think it would’ve come out by now.

But look, we have Hunter Biden‘s laptop that was completely concealed, and the story was censored from the American public, and this would have changed the outcome of the election, and they knew it, the mainstream media knew it. There were conversations that were taking place on saying that ‘We can’t let this out because it’ll change the outcome.

She continued after Abrams failed in his rebuttal because the facts simply aren’t on his side.

I think that the Trumps of have been very transparent and all of their business dealings, and they’ve been even more scrutinized than any other first family that we’ve ever seen. And Hunter Biden has some serious issues with business dealings that include his father, even referring to him as the ‘Big Guy’. Look, he’s been selling his art for about $500,000 a piece and of course, what these anonymous people are buying isn’t art, it’s access to Hunter’s dad, the President of the United States. So yes, we need to look into this.

We need to know if the [Chinese Communist Party] funds have been lining Hunter’s pockets and possibly Joe Biden’s. And here’s the bottom line, Hunter Biden is a man without morals and any sense of honor. He has ditched guns in dumpsters, he is a serial drug dealer, and has been involved with shady dealings around the globe cashing in on his father’s power. The question is, was Joe Biden ever compromised by foreign actors through his son Hunter.

See the interview below:

Boebert sent out a tweet last week noting that the Bidens’ crimes will be looked into.

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