
CNN’s Dana Bash Confronts Eric Swalwell About His Relationship with Chinese Spy and Honeypot Fang Fang (VIDEO)

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CNN’s Dana Bash confronted Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell about his relationship with Chinese spy and honeypot Fang Fang.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy last week officially rejected the appointments of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell for the House Intelligence Committee.

“I am committed to returning the House Intel Committee to one of genuine honesty and credibility that regains the trust of the American people,” McCarthy said.

Beginning in 2012 Eric Swalwell had a sexual relationship with Chinese spy and honeypot Fang Fang

Fang Fang was a “bundler” for Eric Swalwell and other Democrat candidates but it was also reported the Chinese spy had an intimate relationship with Swalwell.

Despite this Chinese spy scandal, Pelosi previously re-appointed Swalwell to the House Intelligence Committee where he had access to some of the nation’s most highly classified information.

McCarthy finally tossed Swalwell off of the Intel Committee.

Swalwell on Sunday told CNN’s Dana Bash that he did not compromise national security through his relationship with a Chinese spy.

“Don’t take my word for it! Take the FBI’s word for it!” Swalwell said defending his relationship with Fang Fang.


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