
Bill Gates Claims He Regrets Having Dinner with Jeffrey Epstein and Dismisses Any Ties Between His Foundation and Epstein’s Organization (VIDEO)

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During a live television interview, Sarah Ferguson from ABC Australia confronted Bill Gates about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein.

Ferguson asked the billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft if he regretted the relationship that he “maintained” with Epstein “against Melinda’s advice and wishes.”

“You’re going way back in time, but yeah, I will say it for the over 100th time, yeah, I shouldn’t have had dinners with him,” Gates said.

“Epstein had a way of sexually compromising people. Is that what Melinda was warning you about?” asked Ferguson.

“No, I mean its…(pause) No, I had dinner with him, and that’s all,” Gates responded.

It can be recalled that Melinda Gates slammed her ex-husband, Bill, for continuing his longtime friendship with deceased pedophile Jeffery Epstein despite her warnings to him about having “nightmares” about him.

After Bill repeatedly met with Epstein, Melinda demanded her husband introduce her to the billionaire hedge fund manager in 2011.

“I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffery Epstein. I made that clear to him. I also met Jeffery Epstein exactly one time. I wanted to see who this man was and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door,” Melinda told CBS mornings host Gayle King, in her first interview since divorcing the vaccine-touting billionaire philanthropist.

“He was abhorrent, evil personified,” Melinda said. “I had nightmares about it afterward. That’s why my heart breaks for these young women. That’s how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful.”

Bill Gates also dismissed any ties between the Gates Foundation and Epstein.

“[And that you regret] the relationship between the foundation and Epstein?” asked Ferguson.

“There never was any relationship of any kind,” Gates responded.

Watch the video below:

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