
Lindsey Graham Tries to Deter Potential Non-Trump GOP Candidates: ‘I Don’t Think You Could Do What He Did’

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Sen. Lindsey Graham vehemently advocated for former President Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential run and told potential rivals they don’t have Trump’s capabilities.

Trump announced his bid in November and is so far the only high-profile Republican to do so.

On Monday, Sean Hannity told Graham he asked potential candidates Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo – both former Trump officials – where they differ with their former boss on policy. Neither offered an answer.

Others whose names have been floated include Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.

“So, how will other candidates distinguish themselves against Donald Trump if they agree with his policies?” the Fox News host asked.

“I really don’t know,” Graham replied. “But I do know this. We’re lucky as a party to have Mike Pompeo, who was a terrific secretary of state, Nikki Haley, a strong voice in the U.N. for the America First agenda.”

The senator then listed some of what he believes were Trump’s most notable accomplishments while in office, including increased NATO spending, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, securing the border, and imposing tariffs on China.

“And to all these people who are very talented, I don’t think you could do what he did,” Graham said. “And I want him to have another shot. Unfinished business.”

Hannity asked Graham how “nasty” a Republican primary could get.

The senator said the party should prepare itself for a “spirited contest” before boosting Trump again. Among the positives, Graham said, Russia would “fear” Trump.

“We need to get ready for a real spirited contest,” Graham said. “I’m for Donald Trump because I know what I’m gonna get. We need somebody that on day one can get this country back on track, that can secure our border and bring order out of chaos, somebody the Russians and the Chinese fear, somebody that can take the fight to the terrorists. The Abraham Accords are the result of Donald Trump impressing the Israelis and the Arabs. He is the best solution to the problems we face.”

He concluded, “There are no Trump policies without Donald Trump.”

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