
“His Policies Were Incredibly Good for This Country” – Senator J.D. Vance Endorses President Donald Trump in 2024 GOP Primary

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Republican Senator J.D. Vance endorsed Donald Trump for President this week.

J.D. Vance told Hugh Hewitt this week that he will support Trump in the Republican primary.

Senator Vance says, “The simple fact is Donald Trump’s policies were incredibly good for this country.”

J.D. Vance wrote an oped at The Wall Street Journal this week on President Trump’s greatest accomplishment – no new wars.

The Epoch Times reported:

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) will support Donald Trump in the Republican presidential race in 2024, he said on Jan 31. in a radio interview.

Vance told Hugh Hewitt on his radio show, “the simple fact is Donald Trump’s policies were incredibly good for this country and he’s very popular among Republican voters.”

“In Ohio Republican circles, I’d say well over half the people in our party want Trump to run and will vote for him in the primary if he does. You know, look, I’m planning to support the [former] president in ’24,” Vance said. “I’m actually going to have an article come out here in the next couple of days that explains why.”

Vance, a former venture capitalist and best-selling author, was considered a rising conservative star after receiving Trump’s endorsement and winning a tough fight to replace retired Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio).

The Ohio politician has now returned the favor just months after Trump formally announced his 2024 presidential run in November of 2022. Thus far Trump is the only Republican who has announced their candidacy for the next presidential cycle.

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