
President Trump’s Play-by-Play of Tonight’s State of Union Here…Pure Gold…”Nice to See Nancy Pelosi Not Sitting in the Background. Hopefully She’s Spending More Time with Her Husband!”

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Due to popular demand, President Trump is providing a play-by-play tonight of Biden’s address to the nation. Below is a list of President Trump’s comments through Truth Social [emphasis on tweets is ours].

President Trump shared on Truth Social moments ago that he will be providing play-by-play of tonight’s speech by lying Joe Biden.

I will be doing, by popular request, a live and full “Play by Play” analysis of The State of the Union Address, TONIGHT ON “TRUTH” AT 9:00 P.M. If properly done, and if Joe has just a modestly good night, this speech has the opportunity to rival any of the World’s great orators, including, Lincoln, Washington, and, of course, the late, great, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Winston Churchill. Watch Truth Social tonight. Enjoy!

We are truly a Nation In Decline, and for that reason I want Joe Biden to do well tonight!

Is everybody getting ready for commentary on the State of the Union Speech and a possible Review? I never liked harsh critics, because usually they are unable to do anything themselves. Perhaps this is a different situation, but let’s hope all goes well tonight!

Looking at the expensive fence that was just put up around the Capitol Building, but not wanted at our Border. Fortunately, I built hundreds of miles of Wall, and had the safest and best Southern Border in History, by far!

What a beautiful place!

Nice to see Nancy Pelosi not sitting in the background. Hopefully she’s spending more time with her husband!

Big stumble on Schumer. He called him Minority Leader. Can’t do that! Each time he’s going off script, he’s making a mistake. Hopefully he will improve!

Too much use of the word “folks!”

If Democracy is unbroken, he should stop the Weaponization of Republicans by the FBI and the Justice Department!

Why did they need the Electoral Reform Act? The Vice President was told he had no choice, but to send the votes back to the Old Crow, Mitch McConnell. The lawyers convinced the Vice President to do something he did not have to do. He should have sent the votes back to the State Legislatures for checking.

He seems to be very angry, shouting into the mic, when he’s trying to come across as conciliatory. Perhaps somebody should walk up to the dais, tap him on the shoulder, and say, “Be cool!”

Kevin McCarthy, who is a great guy, is having a seriously hard time staying awake. I give him credit for being true to himself and the cause. He is just not interested in what is being fed to the audience.

On Unemployment, far fewer people are working now—a false figure, because the workforce is smaller, at 3.4%, is virtually meaningless!

We wouldn’t have had the War with Russia and Ukraine if I were President. I could also end it in 24 hours—which is what should happen!

He talks about Inflation coming down, but it was 1.2% under “Trump,” so he must mean coming down from 9.1%—a Country killer!

I notice Mitt Romney and some of the RINOs jumping up and down with applause for the wrong reasons!

J.D. Vance is looking good!

He just stated, “American automobiles couldn’t make enough cars!”

Joe’s the one who destroyed the Supply Chain, now he’s talking about how to rebuild it!

[Liz Harrington shared in a Truth – Under Joe Biden, moms can’t get baby formula and eggs are being smuggled across the border, and he’s touting the supply chain.]

Just showed Swalwell, a man who spent a lot of time in Spy Fang Fang’s “honey net,” and wasn’t removed from our most important Committee. Only in America!

Having a hard time getting the words out, even though the Fake News will credit him with one of the Great Speeches of all time. I really want to see him improve. Come one Joe, you can do it!

[Charlie Kirk shared in a Truth – Biden is not in charge. Someone else in this room is calling the shots. Who?]

Again, folks, folks, folks—can’t be written into the Speech, can it? If so, let’s blame the Speechwriters!

There’s Secretary of Transportation Pete “But-edge-edge,” who’s done an absolutely terrific job with our Airports. Waits of no longer than four or five days. He’s being groomed by the Party for President, but his husband is not happy about it!

He’s absolutely screaming, “Infrastructure, Infrastructure,” then he shouldn’t be wasting all of our money on China-produced windmills and the Green New Deal!

He forgot to thank Mitch McConnell and his lovely wife, Coco Chow, for giving him all of these Trillions of Dollars to waste!

Keeps using the word “Folks”—must be a nervous habit! We should all sit down and talk to him about this.

Just showed Racist Maxine Waters with a big smile on her face, but this is a woman that truly hates America!

He’s talking about Buying American, but allowing Foreign Countries to steal all of our jobs. You can only have one or the other!

His wife, Jill, is looking lovely tonight in a beautiful purple dress, clapping and applauding with great enthusiasm.

He’s using my “Forgotten Men and Women,” without saying they have been Forgotten by the Democrats, and helped by the Republicans and me!

He’s talking about the jobs that went away to other Countries, but they went away through the Democrats. I’m the one who brought them back!

He’s doing better now, far fewer stumbles!

I’m the one that did the great job on Insulin pricing, the Dems just got the benefit of that success. It was passed on to them, and now they brag about it.

[Liz Harrington shared in a Truth – Biden could do something about fentanyl right now, by putting back President Trump’s strong border policies. But he won’t. Actions speak louder than words.]

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