
“Donald J. Trump Is a Leader of the MOST POWERFUL Political Movement in US History!” – Steve Bannon BRINGS THE FIRE to CPAC – ROARS His Support for Trump! (FULL VIDEO)

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War Room founder and host Steve Bannon spoke on Friday at CPAC.
Steve was a huge draw at the annual conservative event.

And the Honey Badger brought the FIRE to CPAC!

Steve Bannon: “[President Trump] is the leader of the most powerful political movement in American history!”

Steve Bannon bashes the elites: “Our elites led us here step, by step, by step.”

Steve Bannon blasts FOX News under Paul Ryan.

Here is the transcript from Steve’s excellent speech today.

Steve Bannon: hank you. I’d like to be able to report that we’re just in a crisis or there’s a crisis coming, but that’s not the case. There’s no longer a gathering storm. The storm is here. The storm is here.

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