
“An Expert in Ethics Violations” – Elon Musk Dunks on Debbie Wasserman Schultz and It’s Glorious

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We haven’t heard much from Debbie Wasserman-Schultz since she was caught with the handsome Pakistani mystery man doing “computer work” in her office

Today the left cheered her including all of the former Bernie Bros who she rigged the 2016 Democrat Party primary against.

Earlier today Democrat cheerleaders howled with delight when Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz came down hard on leftist reporter Matt Taibbi for participating in the Twitter Files investigation.

Taibbi and others discovered and released several threads of tweets now that show Twitter officials working with the government to censor free speech on the platform and crack down on conservatives.

Democrats cheered Qween Wasserman Schultz and author and pundit Glenn Greenwald took notice.

Greenwald added, “The Bernie/AOC left finally arrived at their destination swooning for DWS as she attacks journalists who expose the US Security State.”

That’s when Elon Musk jumped in to point out Debbie’s stellar record of integrity.

Elon Musk: “I think we should listen carefully to DWS, given that she is such an expert in ethics violations… She was forced to resign as DNC chair after being bust rigging the nomination against Bernie!”

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