
Fox News Anchor Delivers Brutal Parting Shot to GOP Chair Leading Hunter Biden Probe: ‘Five Years Investigating, Nothing Just Yet’

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Fox News host Bill Hemmer appeared to be left a little unimpressed with the latest Hunter Biden claims stemming from an investigation into potential corruption.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) joined Hemmer on Tuesday to discuss the latest findings in his investigation, which includes an alleged $3 million wire to a business owned by an associate of President Joe Biden months after he left the position of vice president that could be tied to Beijing

According to Comer, money was dispersed also dispersed to multiple Biden family members, including one he refused to name.

“What was the purpose of that $3 million wire? Now that’s just the first wire that we’ve actually been able to obtain bank records on. There are many, many more,” Comer said.

Hemmer pushed for additional details, asking if Comer can answer any of the questions he was posing.

“You put your finger on it a second there. You said what were they doing in return for that money. Do you have an answer?” Hemmer asked.

“I do not. The media says this is a Hunter Biden investigation. This is an investigation of Joe Biden and we’re investigating the Biden family,” Comer said.

The congressman claimed he can find no actual “business” that would be behind the wire.

“It’s been five years and what do we have for it? Five years is a long time to be investigating,” Hemmer noted before switching gears and asking Comer about Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) accusing the Republican of doing “political opposition research” for Donald Trump.

Comer blasted Raskin, insisting he’s never met Trump’s lawyers and hasn’t spoken to the former president since he left office.

“I’m very disappointed that Raskin would issue that letter. He issued it late Sunday night. Obviously he was working in conjunction with the White House,” he said, insisting Raskin owes him an apology.

Hemmer took one more shot before ending the interview, noting again that five years of investigations have yet to produce real red meat.

“It’s rather incendiary,” he said. “We will see if you are onto something. Again, five years investigating. Nothing just yet.”

Watch above via Fox News

Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly said that Comer’s investigation found President Joe Biden received a $3 million wire. The article has been corrected to say Comer’s committee found a company owned by a Biden association received a $3 million wire.

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