
‘Donald Trump Hates America!’ Joe Scarborough Disgusted by Trump Calling the US ‘Greatest Threat to Western Civilization Today’

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Joe Scarborough called out Donald Trump’s apparent hatred for America and went off on the constant criticism from the former president and many Republican allies of the former president.

At issue was a recent video released by Trump in which the leading Republican 2024 candidate strongly suggested that the United States is the greatest threat to Western civilization today, not Russia. Morning Joe played a portion of the clip in which Trump said:

Our greatest threat, but the greatest threat to Western civilization today is not Russia. It’s probably more than anything else ourselves and some of the horrible USA hating people that represent us. It’s the abolition of our national borders. It’s the failure to police our own cities. It’s the destruction of the rule of law from within. It’s the collapse of the nuclear family.

And fertility rates like nobody can believe is happening. It’s the Marxists who would have us become a godless nation worshiping at the altar of race and gender.

“Blah blah blah,” a disgusted Scarborough interrupted before saying, “You know, it’s boring to me. What’s boring to me is the hatred for America, the hatred from America that you hear spewing from Donald Trump’s mouth.”

“Donald Trump hated America before he became president of the United States…talked about how the American dream was dead,” Scarborough continued. “Try telling that to the immigrants, the migrants, the refugees. Risking their lives to come to the United States of America. Because what do they believe in? The American dream? Talk to immigrants that get here. They will tell you about the American dream. It’s talked about all over the world. All over the world.”

“It’s crazy. I mean, Donald Trump hates America. You listen to him talking about the United States, the United States, the country, as Fox News anchors used to remind us. The country that has fed and free wages taking,” the Morning Joe host continued. “That was Roger Ailes, who would say this country has fed and freed more people than any other planet in the history of the world. And Roger was right on that one. We have, and we continue to the United States.

“We won World War One. We won World War Two with the help of our allies. We were the driving force. We were the arsenal of democracy,” he continued. “Look what we’re doing. Helping Ukraine push back against war crimes daily

“And yet all Donald Trump does, all other people do is they bash the United States of America. They attack the United States military, our men and women in the armed forces. They attack our intel community. They hate America by their own words. And if they hate it so much, why don’t they move to Russia? Russia will. Russia will take them.”

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