
“The Police State Is Here” – Dan Bongino Rips the Upcoming Trump Arrest (VIDEO)

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Dan Bongino didn’t hold back when discussing the upcoming arrest of Donald Trump.

He ripped into liberals celebrating it — and said “the Police State is here.”

He also pointed out “this is the kind of story we are used to reading out of North Korea but it is here in the United States right now.”

VIDEO (partial transcript below)

From the video above:

“Dan Bongino: The Police State is here guys. That’s inarguable, to the libs listening, you know you can plant a big wet one on my rump because I really have no desire to hear you right now as you’re celebrating again the collapse of the constitutional republic. The police state’s here. You know it is not as though Donald Trump’s sons were caught on tape talking to their dad about elicit business deals or anything with foreign communist parties and nuclear power and enemies of the United States. Shuttling millions of dollars to the Trump family oh that’s right, that’s right, that’s the Biden family. Sorry guys I forgot as a commentator I should really be up on the news. But the police state and this abomination is here right now, this is 3rd world BS. That’s exactly what this is. This is the kind of story we are used to reading out of North Korea but it is here in the United States right now.”

Fox News reported Friday night that final preparations were being made for Trump’s arrest.

It is expected to happen next week.

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