
Tucker Carlson Unknowingly Shows the Death of Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland on January 6th on the US Capitol Steps (VIDEO)

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Its been almost two years now since we were first contacted by January 6 police brutality victim Philip Anderson.

Phillip Anderson was on the ground on the steps of the US Capitol with Rosanne Boyland when she died that day. Phillip was knocked unconscious at the time when he was gassed and pushed into a pile by Capitol Police. He was later rescued and revived by Jake Lang, a current January 6 political prisoner.

Rosanne Boyland was not as “lucky.” She was killed that day by Capitol Police. Cara Castronuova at The Gateway Pundit later posted video of Capitol Police Officer Lila Morris beating Rosanne dozens of times as she lay unconscious on the steps of the US Capitol.

Police prevented Rosanne from being rescued even as her friend tried desperately to reach her and drag her to safety.

This was confirmed by additional witnesses. The mainstream media never mentioned Rosanne’s death except to say she had an overdose, which was a lie.

The Gateway Pundit recently posted the heartbreaking video of Trump supporters attempting to resuscitate Rosanne Boyland.

On Tuesday night Tucker Carlson unknowingly aired footage of Rosanne Boyland’s death.

Unbeknownst to Tucker, the footage he shot on the screen from January 6th that aired on MSNBC showed Rosanne Boyland on the ground after she was beaten and gassed by police.

You can see Rosanne’s friend Justin Winchell in the green jacket attempting to get to Rosanne and rescue her. But the police were beating and gassing protesters and he could not reach her.

Here is a screenshot of Justin trying to reach Rosanne as she lay unconscious (from previous TGP video).

In the video played last night on Tucker Carlson, you can see Justin Winchell in the green jacket clearly attempting to rescue his friend. Trump supporters eventually were able to drag Rosanne from the police and start CPR.

Tucker Carlson has yet to discuss Rosanne Boyland on his show — the second woman to be killed on January 6 by Capitol Police.

But on Tuesday night he showed video of the final moments of Rosanne Boyland’s life as she died on the steps of the US Capitol.

What a tragic event in American history.

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