A 41-week Pregnant woman came to the Hospital. What the doctors discovered shocked everyone

When 30-year-old teacher Lauren got pregnant, she was over the moon. She had always wanted a child, and now was her opportunity to bring a baby into the world and become the mother she had always wanted to be. But when doctors scanned her, they discovered something shocking, something they’d never seen before in their lives.

Being a teacher, Lauren had always put her career first. She had grown up in a working-class family in the north of England, and her work ethic was exemplary and second to none. Finding out she was pregnant was exciting, but it didn’t mean she had to take her foot off the pedal just yet. There was always work to be done.
Lauren was a cautious first-time mother and attended several early scans where doctors checked the health of the baby, who was still only in the very early stages of growth. Everything seemed fine and in order, and they told Lauren there was nothing to be concerned about. She had no clue what a shocking and injuriously unlikely thing was going on…..Read Full Story Here…………..