
A Couple Found A Suitcase In Their Basement, Then The FBI Knocked On Their Door

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“Couple discovers suitcase soon after the FBI knocks on their door. A young couple was renovating, and after months of hard work, they’ve tackled the basement. As they cleared it, they found a suitcase that would turn their lives around. This discovery would end up being the first of many that would lead to a disturbing truth.

The couple walked into the basement and saw the drooping ceiling and warped wood beams. While the basement didn’t look like much, they would discover something in that room that would change their lives forever.

As the young couple tore down the ceiling piece by piece, they saw something hidden perfectly in the rafters. It was an old suitcase, and obviously, some wood had gone far another way to hide it so perfectly.

The homeowners stopped working and removed the suitcase from the rafters. He then called his wife from upstairs, and they marveled over the case. What would be inside? They couldn’t even imagine what the old case had in store for them. Something was definitely intense about such a nice case. The case wasn’t big, but….Read Full Story Here.………

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