Freddie Cantrell lives across the street from Regional Park in Auburn and often brings his children there he his ex-wife and their children love spending time there as often, as the weather allows one night however Cantrell got a call no parent ever wants to receive his ex-wife rang for him on his cell phone.
when she and her new husband were watching their children at that Park I got a phone call from my ex-wife telling me that I need to come down quickly, she said someone just tried to kidnap our daughter Aubry Cantrell recalled aubry’s sister Natalie 6 was right next to her sister when it happened.
Some unknown guy just came here started dragging her he attempted to run over and take her with him Little Natalie told CBS Sacramento Cantrell who had rushed immediately to the park across from his home ran to the aid of his daughter.
his ex-wife and her husband were still trying to catch the kidnapper almost before he got away and Cantrell arrived just in time to head him off in the opposite Direction.
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