A Husband Set up a Hidden Camera in the Cemetery After his wife’s Funeral. He was Surprised by What he

His hand trembled as he threw a handful of Earth into the grave. Iris clung to him and cried. He decided to take his daughter to the funeral, although her grandmother tried to dissuade him. She keeps a stiff upper lip; she is seven years old, after all. It’s time to say goodbye to Mom.
Henry came up to her and stood at her side. His daughter hugged him and looked confusedly toward the grave. People came up, tossed the Earth, and left. For a moment, he tried to get away from all of that. He saw nothing in front of him; his ears were ringing; he could hear nothing but that.

His mother-in-law came up to him and started shaking him. Her mouth moved, but Henry understood nothing. His mother-in-law, Henry, the woman seemed to be calling to him for the umpteenth time. He shook his head, “Come on, people have already gone on the bus. I’ll come over later,” sighed Henry.
His mother-in-law began, and then fell silent, “Okay, she’s a strong woman. She’s always been like that. She’s strong in public, but she’ll cry at home,” Henry thought about his mother-in-law. “Iris, let’s go. Daddy will catch up with us later,” the daughter went with her grandmother. He stood still for a while until…..Read Full Story Here...,,.,,.