A woman goes to the doctor thinking she’s having twins; she stares in disbelief as the doctor shows her something unusual on the ultrasound

A woman may experience a wide range of emotions after learning she is pregnant. For some people, the prospect of starting a family and raising a kid might be exhilarating. For women who were previously told they couldn’t have children, the delight is far more deep.
Becoming a mother had always been Lauren’s dream. The thought of pursuing fertility treatments, however, seemed too daunting after a year of unsuccessfully trying to conceive. She and her spouse made the decision to go on vacation in order to strategize their next move.
On the trip, she spoke with her pastor and church members about her reproductive problems. Before leaving for home, the pastor prayed for her and left Lauren with a message.
Lauren posted on social media, “Mom told me she knew God had tremendous plans for me; she didn’t know what, but it would be enormous. She gave the pastor’s remarks no consideration.
Lauren was certain that intrauterine insemination had failed after just one cycle. Yet it had. During one check-up, the nurse informed Lauren that because her beta levels were high, she was likely carrying multiples.
It was daunting to Lauren and her husband when they found out they were expecting twins or triplets. At their initial scan, the biggest surprise occurred. The doctor said, “I just counted five,” after pausing to examine the screen for a moment.
What was Lauren’s first thought? It is not conceivable! Hang on, the doctor instructed. I’ve recently discovered a sixth one. The pair simply gazed at the TV in disbelief. They had a 1% probability of being pregnant with se*xtuplets.