After his wife died, he raised six children alone. Just look at how he has been REWARDED by fate!(Video)

Anton and Anna had three children and they were expecting babies again when Anna was diagnosed with the terrible disease Anna decided to sacrifice her life to save the lives of future triplets journalists filmed a report about a single father raising six children.
Anton became famous all over the country he began to receive hundreds of letters from fan women the widower even had meetings with some of the women but usually on the first date it was clear they were not suitable for family life.
Ludmila was one of the women who sent him a letter her words immediately attracted the man after a correspondence they decided to meet Anton decided to take the children to the meeting and did not regret it.
lude Mila immediately Charmed the man and his children with Incredible kindness eventually she became his wife Anton’s daughters liked Ludmila so much that they didn’t want the day to end and didn’t want to part with her and the eldest son even said to his father the following phrase we need her, she’s lovely after a while Anton’s beloved who had one child from her first marriage confessed that she had seen a prophetic dream she saw in her dream that she was Raising seven children and the next day she saw a report about Anton and realized it was his Destiny.
At first I felt sorry for Anton and I wrote him a letter to support him but then things changed and we had feelings for each other I was never deprived of male attention but there was no man I could always rely on and Anton was a real man said Ludmila Ludmila lived in Omsk but Anton and his children lived in Irish Town 90 kilometers away from the city but this was not an obstacle for their relationship.
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