After Scaling Border Wall and Entering US Illegally, Boy Struck By Car Running Through Busy Traffic

With illegals running through highway traffic and popping out of sewers, a traffic incident was inevitable
The Gateway Pundit reported on thermal drone video showing a massive group of illegal aliens marching like soldiers and illegally crossing into private property into Eagle Pass, Texas one day after Chuck Schumer called for mass amnesty for illegals living in the US.
Illegals are easily hoping over the border wall from Mexico and disappearing into traffic while being filmed by drivers on a Texas state highway, sometimes even giving drivers a thumbs up. How insulting.

On Wednesday, a 15-year-old boy, after scaling a boarder wall to enter illegally and running through busy highway traffic, was struck by a car breaking his leg.
The New York Post reports:
Illegal migrants scaled a 30-foot border wall and made it across two busy Texas highways before a 15-year-old member of their group was struck by a car as they crossed a third Wednesday.
David Herrera — who was driving the car that hit the boy on Interstate 10 in El Paso — had swerved in an attempt to avoid the fleeing migrants. He then pulled over, so traumatized he could barely speak.
“Once I hit him, I just stopped over here,” said Herrera, 63, indicating a median strip where he sat in his car. Herrera told The Post he lives in nearby New Mexico and was taking his wife to work at the time of the accident on the 60-mph highway Wednesday morning.
The boy, from Chiapas, Mexico, broke his leg in the accident and was rushed by an emergency response team to a local hospital. The deep dent on the driver’s side of Herrera’s gray GMC was streaked with the teenager’s blood.
“There are parts of Texas where you have to worry about hitting a deer,” said one observer at the scene of the accident. “Here in El Paso, we worry about hitting people running across the border.”