
An Old Man Heard Babies Squeaking From Underground. Grabbing The Shovel, He Could Not Believe it What He Saw

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“Constantine Sergeyevich was a widower. When he buried his wife Evdochio Nicolevnou, the ground literally fell from under his feet. He was left alone.

All his life, he and his wife lived for themselves. She did not want children, she did not want to fall out of life and be bound hand in foot. She was afraid of responsibility.

She told him, ‘Was it wrong to enjoy each other’s company, to travel, to visit new places?’ They were easygoing and visited different cities with full immersion.

This meant renting a flat and starting to live there. Sometimes a couple of months were enough; more often, they stayed for half a year in a couple of places.

They even stayed for two years. Could they afford this kind of entertainment if they were burdened with children? Of course not. Kids need school, they have friends. No one would agree to lug around the country following a crazy mom and dad. Still, somewhere after 35, Constantine insisted that he and his wife get a checkup from a doctor.

They both underwent tests, and she met him at the door of the clinic in tears, with shaking hands clutching a file in her hands. ‘You know, Kostya, I want to tell you that you can be absolutely free. I just don’t have the right,’ she said, almost stammering through her sobs. What’s wrong, Costia?’ didn’t understand. ‘I can’t give you a…...Read Full Story Here…………

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