
At My Father Funeral, My Sister In law Reveals The Secret She Think We Do Not Know About What My Father Said

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My name is Lucy, and I’m 29 years old. I work in my dad’s business. When he was young, he started a company from scratch, and it grew into a good-sized company. Lots of people worked there. At the beginning, he didn’t have much money, and even when I was little, I understood that it was tough for him.

Even when the company got bigger, I wanted to help my mom. She did office work. My parents wanted me to go to college and choose my own job, but I wanted to work in my dad’s company. I thought about that a lot after I finished high school.

Bob, who had worked there for a long time, taught me a whole lot when I joined. He taught me the basic things about running a business. He treated me like a regular person, not like the boss’s daughter. I learned many things about the company from him.

My brother Tom is two years older than me. He went to college to learn how to manage a business. He liked telling his friends that our dad had a company, and he would be the boss one day. His friends asked him, “What will you do after you finish college? Will you find a job?” Tom said, “No need to find a job. I’ll work in our dad’s company and become the boss. So, I’ll take my time to learn about managing.”

One of his friends said, “You’ll be the next boss in the company. Then your life will be easy. I wish I was you.” Tom’s friend asked, “You have a younger sister, right? Will there be a fight between you two about who gets to be in charge?” Tom replied, “Yes, I have a younger sister, but she only finished high school and she’s not into…..Read Full Story Here……..

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