
“I Would Be Shocked if There’s Anything Sinister Here” – Toxic RINO Lindsey Graham Defends Joe Biden’s Handling of Stolen Classified Documents (VIDEO)

Toxic RINO Senator Lindsey Graham on Tuesday defended Joe Biden over his handling of stolen classified documents.Joe Biden stored top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” (SCIF) designation at Penn Biden Center in DC (found on Nov. 2). Lawyers discovered more classified documents at Joe Biden’s Delaware home – in...

HUGE: Arizona Senate Presentation Reveals That Hundreds Of Failed Tabulators In Maricopa County Likely Misread A QUARTER MILLION Ballots During 2022 Election – Lake’s Team Says “MORE EVIDENCE TO COME” (VIDEO)

The newly formed Arizona Senate Elections Committee, chaired by State Senator Wendy Rogers, heard a major presentation on voter irregularities and signature verification failures in Maricopa County’s 2022 Midterm Election. We The People AZ Alliance co-founder and chairman Shelby Busch delivered this phenomenal presentation regarding voting machine or ballot printer...

This Is Why I Don’t Date Broke Men, Don’t Blame Me

“What do you do?” he asked in an attempt to know more about me. “I am currently job hunting,” I responded, “I have attended a few interviews but I haven’t received any callbacks yet.” He held my hand and assured me that something would turn up soon. I thanked him...
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