Inspirational Stories

The dog looked into the sewer every day. People were shocked when they opened the hatch!

This dog looked out the hatch every time he went for a walk. Its owner had no idea why until she opened it and was shocked by what was inside. In a small, quiet town in Turkey, there lived a beautiful and intelligent German Shepherd named Axel. He was very...
Inspirational Stories

Woman Watches Boyfriend Kick and Stomp on Her 2-Year-Old Daughter, Leaves Her Dead Wrapped in a Blanket in the Bathroom, Then Goes for a Drink in a Pub as If Nothing Happened

A court in Ipswich heard how a two-year-old girl, Isabella Wheildon, suffered terrible injuries and was left dead for days under a blanket in a shower. The case was described as heartbreaking and shocking. The child’s mother, Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell, was accused of watching the violence happen and doing nothing to...
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