Baby Born at 18 Weeks When the Mother Put Him in Her Chest She Was Shocked At What Happened

“Baby born at 18 weeks. When the mother put him on her chest, she was shocked. At 18 weeks of age, the majority of babies are only beginning to show signs of development. Thus, they are only around the size of a prune in length, measuring approximately two inches from the top of the head to the rump.

This indicates that they’re not yet ready to be born. If they do come out, it will only be a sign of impending doom.
Unfortunately, it was around this time period that one baby, Jackson, was born prematurely. When his mother took his tiny delicate body in her arms, she was taken aback by what she witnessed next. Charity and Tanner awoke in the middle of the night, terrified that something terrible had happened to her. She was beginning to experience…….Read Full Story Here.……