Baby Was Born With Something In Her Hands. Doctors Were Horrified When They Discovered What It Was!

A baby is born in Vietnam with something clutched in her hands. It’s a horrifying discovery. And when the doctors start investigating, the mother’s background, they find out something fascinating. The birth in the Hong Fong International Hospital in Vietnam was the strangest in the neonatal ward’s history. A newborn arrived with an object clenched in her fist.
From the outset, this event captivated both the medical staff and the public. Attending physicians described the labor as particularly strenuous but not abnormal. Then the unbelievable happened. As the infant emerged into this world, it had a foreign object clutched tightly in its little fist. The sight baffled doctors and horrified a few nurses.

Hong is a highly respected hospital worldwide and is certainly no stranger to the miracles of childbirth, even the unexpected and inexplicable aspects that often accompany new life emerging into the world. So the staff isn’t surprised by much anymore, but this was a first.
A few years before the extraordinary birth at Hong that captured the imagination, the baby’s mother, Minran, faced a deep personal struggle. She desperately wanted the baby but couldn’t fall pregnant, and there were more pressures on her than there would have been in the West. In Vietnam, having children is almost a cultural prerequisite for a woman. After trying unsuccessfully to conceive for years, Min turned to a Vietnamese traditional healer. Sure, it was an unconventional path for a modern woman, but the decision was born from desperation and fading hope. The healer was famous in Vietnam, known for her profound understanding of ancient herbal medicine and her ability to use traditional rituals to help women with fertility issues. She made a unique herbal concoction for Min with the instruction to drink a glass before she went to bed at night and again in the morning before she started her day. Then, promising Min’s fertility, she performed an ancient ritual, blessed her with spring water from the hills, and sent her on her way. Her parting words were, “Now you will never struggle to fall pregnant again.”
It all felt like a far-off dream for Min at that point, but she continued to believe and maintain a positive outlook for the next few weeks. Then a miracle happened. Less than a month after seeing the healer and starting her morning and evening ritual of drinking the herbal concoction, Min was pregnant. The birth of her first child convinced her that there were traditional practices that many modern medicines still overlook. But her journey was far from over.
Almost immediately after the birth of her first long-awaited baby, Min fell pregnant again. This defied not just her own expectations but those of the medical community too. After struggling for more than a decade to get pregnant, Min was now expecting a baby for the second time in less than 2 years. Again, her belief in the power of traditional medicine was amplified, and the doctors had to agree with her. There was simply no medical explanation for the sudden change in her body and fertility. But still, the journey wasn’t nearly over yet.
What followed culminated in a birth that intrigued an entire nation. In the wake of two pregnancies in rapid succession, Min found herself at a crossroads. Clearly, she now had no more problems with conceiving, but two kids were enough for now. With all of that in mind, she decided to turn to modern medicines to control possible future pregnancies. There were financial considerations, and she and her husband had to bear the family’s future in mind before they decided to have more children. So Min finally decided that an intrauterine device, or IUD, was the ideal form of contraception for her. The pregnancies were the indisputable result of her visit to the traditional healer, but controlling them going into the future was the purview of contemporary family planning methods.
Min didn’t make the choice lightly. For a few months, everything worked perfectly. Life in the Tran household returned to normal, well, as normal as it could be with two little ones only separated by a year. Husband and wife were speaking about having more children, but it was something that was planned for some time in the future. For now, it was great to look forward to but nothing more.
Then came the news. Min was pregnant again. The measures she had taken with the insertion of the IUD had simply not worked. This left Min, her husband, and their doctors in a state of disbelief. They had specifically chosen the IUD as a preferred method of contraception because it was so effective. In fact, it offered a near guarantee against unplanned pregnancies. Yet here they were, the family was about to get bigger once again.
Min was suddenly confronted with the startling reality of another pregnancy, and this time she felt completely unprepared. Falling pregnant now had been the furthest thing from her mind. Min and her husband grappled with the initial confusion and the subsequent shock as the news and its implications hit home. And the irony wasn’t lost on them. When they had turned to traditional medicine practices, it had delivered. But when they had turned to contemporary medicine to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, it had spectacularly failed them.
Once the initial surprise of this unexpected pregnancy faded, Min and her husband had to navigate a complex array of emotions. On the one hand, there was joy at the prospect of welcoming another little life into their growing family. But on the other hand, there were the implications of this unexpected twist in their plans. Questions about the health of Min’s pregnancy, the future of all their children, and the dynamics of their expanding family required thoughtful consideration.
But slowly, as the pregnancy settled, they started adapting to this new reality. For Min, this unforeseen pregnancy had a special meaning. She was constantly reminded of her initial struggles with infertility and also about the healer’s promise at the end of their meeting a few years back: “Now you will never struggle to fall pregnant again.”
IUDs, like any other contraceptive, can never be 100% guaranteed against an unplanned pregnancy, and Min knew this. But it was just all too coincidental. She couldn’t help feeling that it was all related to the traditional healer. For her, it symbolized the delicate balance between human intention and the unfathomable forces that sometimes guide our destinies. There are limits to what we as humans can control. She decided the best would be to embrace these uncertainties with grace and resilience, and that’s what she did.
Min started embracing the new pregnancy with a sense of wonder and a lot of thought about the mysteries of her existence. These thoughts were fortified by the love and support she received from her husband and other two children. She was grateful she had three wonderful people who filled her life with unspeakable joy.
Finally, a hush fell on the delivery room in Hong International Hospital’s delivery room. Min’s latest foray into motherhood had started. She was in labor, and she had no way of knowing that this delivery would leave an indelible mark on everybody who witnessed the birth of her third child. The labor was tough, and it lasted for hours. Finally, a new little life emerged. It had ten toes and ten fingers. All was well. But then the doctors noticed something odd in its tiny little hand. The newborn was clutching a foreign object. Whatever it was, it was a marvel of improbability. What could the newborn possibly have grabbed in the womb and held on throughout the birth to come and present it to the outside world?
Upon closer examination, the doctors were horrified. The newborn was holding onto the very IUD that was supposed to prevent its pregnancy. It was as if the newborn was carrying a message: “I wanted to come into this world, and this sure as heck wasn’t going to stop me.”
Min’s thoughts immediately returned to the pivotal encounter with the traditional healer a few years before. She had a serene demeanor, as if peace radiated from every pore in her body, and her eyes reflected centuries of wisdom. During a period of despair, this woman had been her beacon of hope and her anchor in faith. The soothing aroma of ancient herbs and the healer’s soothing chants and rituals had been a balm to Min’s weary spirit at the time. And then there was the final assurance: “You will never struggle to fall pregnant again.” It had been delivered with such conviction that she couldn’t help but believe it.
The birth of her third child in such a miraculous manner was a powerful affirmation of the healer’s words. It was almost as if she was saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” Min’s emotional world shifted at that moment. She had a profound realization of the enduring power of belief, the inexplicable nature of existence, and the intricate ways in which life unfolds.
When the baby was placed in Min’s arms with the IUD still clutched in its fist, the delivery room heaved a collective sigh. It was truly a moment that transcended the ordinary. But their journey wasn’t over yet. There were more surprises in store.
When she was discharged, Min and her family had a whole new set of realities to navigate. Their lives were enriched by the new arrival, and they were overjoyed with the new baby. They had experienced a profound miracle, one they still felt bore a message.
Then, just as the family settled into their new and somewhat chaotic routine, the next surprise came. And this time, it hit them like a giant hammer between the eyes. The fact that it came hot on the heels of their previous miracle was almost too much to bear. Min was pregnant again, despite having inserted the IUD again and taking other precautions. Again, the words of the traditional healer seemed to reverberate through their household: “You will never struggle to fall pregnant again.”
In Min’s mind, there was a profound interplay between traditional beliefs and contemporary medicine, and traditional medicine was clearly ahead in the fertility race. She was deeply grateful, not just for the prospect of welcoming yet another life into their family, but also for the peace she was experiencing. It had started to feel like fate to her.
All the initial struggles to fall pregnant, now followed by her fourth pregnancy, it was as if the heavens had opened up sluices of abundance for her family, and her narrative had turned into one of faith, resilience, and the enduring strength of love.
Min’s story reverberated far beyond the walls of Hong International Hospital. It reached into the heart of Vietnamese culture and sparked a profound dialogue between the realms of the traditional and the modern. Central to this dialogue was Dr. Tran Vi Fong, the obstetrician who delivered all four of Min’s babies. His life’s work had been grounded in the empirical and the measurable, but Min’s series of miraculous pregnancies and the birth of her son clutching the IUD that was meant to prevent his very existence simply couldn’t be ignored.
Dr. Fong had no choice but to reassess the boundaries of his scientific worldview. Min’s experiences were a puzzle that defied conventional medical explanations. It challenged his long-held beliefs in the supremacy of science over all else. His cognitive dissonance was not just personal; it inspired broader cultural reflections on the integration of Vietnam’s rich heritage of traditional practices with the advancements of contemporary medicine.
The doctor’s skepticism was slowly eroded by the undeniable reality of Min’s story. Eventually, he became a proponent of the limitations of a purely scientific approach to the mysteries of life and birth.