
Baby’s Jaw Wouldn’t Stop Growing. Doctor Checks It And Discovers Something Baffling

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A seven-month-old baby’s jaw kept swelling up until a doctor checked it out and discovered something surprising. A few months after Emma and Erin Whittington got married, the duo couldn’t wait to have a child. Fortunately, it didn’t take long before they conceived.

The couple began to make preparations for their baby’s arrival and kept to the doctor’s appointments to ensure their unborn baby was in good condition.

Finally, the day came for them to know the sex of their baby. Anxiously, they drove down to the hospital close to where they live in Hutchinson, Kansas. After an ultrasound scan was carried out, the doctor broke the good news to them. Emma and Aaron were told they would be having a baby girl. Aaron and his wife were over the…..Read Full Story Here.………

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