“Before this baby died, he whispered three shocking words. For any mother or father, losing a child is probably the most devastating and horrible thing someone can experience.
The loss, pain, and sadness are more than most can handle. It’s truly something that no amount of time could ever heal. Some stories are simply too sad for words.

We want to show you the story of Nolan Scully. This little boy experienced what no one should have to endure and inspired many with his courage and positive attitude towards life. Every second of this story is powerful, but especially the last conversation Nolan had with his mother will break your heart.
Nolan Scully was a boy who passed away from cancer far too young. His story is a beautiful one in which you can find not only sadness but also hope and faith in the power of people. Sometimes we’re much stronger than we think. Nolan’s story begins similar to that of…….Read Full Story Here.……..