Beggar Pays for Old Lady’s Food with Last $12, Next Day Gets Text ‘Your Reward Arrives Today’’- Inspiring Story

all light and hope was lost for direct we became homeless soon after his beloved wife died when he noticed another lost soul he acted in kindness not knowing that a life-changing surprise would await him a day later direct wasn’t always the tired homeless man heading on the street across the Busy Cafe his life had always been hard but until a few months ago there was still something worth living for Claris.
The love and light of his life was still alive the couple had been married for barely a year and they made their Paradise inside an old trailer behind the neighborhood park they’d often look outside gazing at people walking by imagining the fascinating fictional life stories of those strangers in their minds direct and Claris had lived a thousand Vivid lives together filled with luxury love and laughter all that changed when Claris got diagnosed with cancer there was only a small chance that it could still be contained with treatment only the sliver of Hope and that was all direct needed he sold everything in his house worth selling borrowed from every friend and picked up every odd job he could all in an effort to raise enough money for his beloved wife’s treatment.
when he was still running short of funds direct sold the last thing he could the trailer that he and Claris had called home we can always build another home together direct told himself and happily slept in Waiting rooms and cafeterias while his wife underwent treatment at the hospital he had done his part but fate didn’t even after the expensive treatment Clarissa’s condition kept worsening her laughter became rarer and rarer and her eyes opened lesser and lesser until one day they didn’t open at all direct was with her in those last few moments her head rested on his chest and he could feel the pull of her last fading breath everything warm and beautiful had died along with Claris there was no love left in the world no kindness and no home without a roof over his head Derek began living on the street.
He still tried to find work but he found himself struggling in a cold world and it was lucky if he found a one-off job or two a week the past few weeks have been unlucky in that sense Derek only had 12 dollars left and it would have to make do with it for the rest of the month somehow it was a little past noon and direct was getting ready to finally get up from his spot and buy a sandwich from the cafe a grilled chicken sandwich with extra cheese Derek decided as he crossed the road to get to the cafe it was claris’s favorite kind of sandwich and the thought of her made.
Durex heart sink again on the most pathetic alone and helpless man in the city direct thought until he saw something that changed his mind an elderly woman was standing outside the cafe sighing over the scattered mess of coins and belongings that had fallen out of her old purse she meant to pick up the coins lost her balance and collapsed onto the ground shrieking in pain and while the woman was struggling to get back to her feet people passed her by without even slowing down like she was invisible what has this world come to direct fought to himself as he rushed to the older woman and offered his hand oh thank you son the woman gripped Direct’s hands and didn’t let go until she sat in one of the patio chairs oh please ma’am anybody could have helped you anyone with a heart that is direct smiled at the woman and turned to look piercingly at a group of young and different onlookers so you’re a white map let me call you a waiter to take your order wait.
I don’t think I have enough money to buy something I have somewhere important to be and I was in such a hurry this morning that I forgot to eat or even carry my wallet with me all I’ve got is a few cents and a really long day ahead of me oh I’m so stupid and forgetful my Bob would remember to carry my wallet for me the one who’s voiced trembled with emotion the grief in the woman’s voice was too heavy for direct to ignore he knew that pain the pain of losing the love of your life that’s okay he told her here take this the onlookers watched as they saw the homeless man open a tide of handkerchief and hand over a few notes of cash to the older woman this will give you breakfast there’s only 12 dollars in here direct said and turn to leave not Desiring any sign of gratitude from the poor woman oh thank you son Freda Gast feeling ashamed and grateful at the same time if it’s not too much to ask would you please eat with me keep lonely old Bee Company for a few minutes .
Derek reluctantly agreed to the woman’s request and took a seat while Frida had a humble breakfast the two strangers instantly connected over the pain in each other’s eyes and spoke about the people whom they had loved and lost Derek got emotional hearing how Frida and her husband Bob had been married for 59 years before an illness took him
leaving her alone and lost and Frida was heartbroken to learn about Claris and when it become of direct after her I wish I could change this kind man’s life right this second she thought to herself but the most she could do that day was exchange phone numbers with him call me whenever you need someone to talk to son she said as they parted and don’t worry your love and kindness will come back to you tenfold
Derek smiled at the 82 year old woman’s quote and walked back to his spot it has seen too much suffering to hope for any love or kindness to Grace’s life ever again and yet there was the fruit of his kindness buzzing on his old phone the very next morning direct was surprised to see a notification from the older woman he had met the day before and when he opened the message.
she had sent him he thought it was some kind of a mistake meet me at the park this evening your reward arrives today at Reed although direct assumed it was a text meant for someone else a part of him wanted to go to the park that little voice in his head was hard to ignore so he reached the park later that day not knowing what to expect as direct walked around the place he decided to visit the spot where his and claris’s trailer home used to be that place had been empty since her passing and that emptiness always broke Derek’s heart .
what’s that though another trailer direct was surprised following his impulse he’d approached the trailer and it looked brand new the paint smelled fresh the doors were squeaky clean and a peek from the window revealed it was rather spacious inside it looked fine until direct saw the name on the other side of the trailer the name meant everything to him hand painted in bright blue letters were the words claris’s Paradise
Derek fell onto his knees in shock and couldn’t tell if any of it was real that’s when he spotted a note tucked under a wheel of the trailer Deirdre she would have wanted you to be happy she would have wanted you to have a home I hope this serves as a good one thank you for your kindness son love Frida for the first time in years the Walter rack had built around his heart came crumbling down and he cried he would soon learn that Frida was a lonely but well-off woman and they would develop a friendship that would last a lifetime