
A Girl Gave Some Food To A Poor Boy Not Knowing That Only A Few Years Later Something Shocking Will Happen

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In times like these, it’s hard to see the light  in humanity. However, it’s time to look at the   glass half full rather than half empty. And  this story you’re about to read is going   to definitely cause some tears, so you better  have a kleenex handy – you’re going to need it.  

While this poor boy was hungry  and searching for his next meal,   one girl decided to lend a helping hand. But  she didn’t realize what would happen next. I think we all are asking ourselves this question  over the past year. Where did all the goodness of   humanity go? Where can we find it? Though it looks  like humanity is down in the dumps right now,   there are people around the world showing  gratitude and kindness to those around them.  

And it’s those very people who are continuing  the remind the rest of us that yes,   kindness exists. You’re about to see  real kindness happen in this story. We always tend to think that kindness  needs to be done in an extravagant way.   That is only matters when we do something  big, like buying someone a car or a house.   And sure, those acts of kindness are incredible,  but they happen once every ten years. 

  The real acts of kindness that matter are the  small ones that appear to be insignificant   yet are unforgettable to those who receive them.  In this story, it all happened in a small village. Don’t these kinds of stories always happen in  a small village? I’m just joking. In this small   village, there lived a poor boy named Kato. And  while most children are in school at his age,   he was busy working on the street, doing  anything he could to earn money for food.  

With the earnings he made, he also helped  his mother out with paying for rent as well.   It’s a lot of responsibility for a young  boy, yet Kato did what he had to do. Sadly, Kato isn’t the only boy who’s working  at such a young age. Over 152 million children   are victims of child labor around the  world, with 88 million of them being boys.  

While girls are more likely to undertake household  chores, boys are usually leaving school to join   the labor force. And unfortunately,  Kato was living within that statistic.   Whether it’s working in forced labor  or begging, it’s not easy for a kid.   It’s not easy for anyone. And one  day, he couldn’t take it anymore. One day while Kato was working, he became very  tired and hungry.

It was a hunger he couldn’t   overcome; he needed something to eat badly. He  looked in the direction of a bakery where they   were selling warm and fresh buns. He headed to  the bakery to buy some buns as a reward for his   hard day at work. Upon walking into the bakery,  he realized something. He only had one coin,   and it wasn’t enough to buy buns with.

While his  tummy was begging for food, he couldn’t buy any. Disappointed with his discovery, Kato left the  bakery and headed back to work. But he couldn’t   control his hunger; it was overwhelming. He  needed to eat something; his stomach was in   pain from its emptiness. He had no choice; he  had to ask someone for food. Though, it wasn’t   something he was comfortable doing. He didn’t want  to beg for food; he wanted to pay for it himself.  

So, after practicing what he was going to  say, he knocked on the next door he saw. He decided to try his luck with the first door  he saw. He gave a couple of knocks and waited   patiently. Though when it opened up, he realized  he couldn’t do what he had intended to do. A sweet   young girl opened the door; he was nervous, and  not knowing what to do, asked for a glass of water   instead of food. What a strange request.

Why would  you knock on somebody’s door for a glass of water? For the girl, she thought the request from the  boy was strange and thought that maybe there was   another reason why he asked for a glass of water.  She decided that he must be hungry and therefore,   instead of giving him water, she  brought him a glass of milk and a bun.   Kato was embarrassed but drank  the milk and ate the bun.   But he didn’t want to leave without paying her, so  he asked her how much the milk and bun cost him.

She was surprised by Kato wanting to pay her  for the glass of milk and bun. So, she told him,   “You don’t owe me anything. My mother  taught me to never ask for money.”   He was touched and thanked her for  her kindness. When he left the house,   he not only felt stronger, but he also felt  that his faith in humanity was restored.   It was this small gesture that motivated  him to continue reaching his dreams. For a boy who was working on the street  to help his mother pay for food and rent,   Kato had big dreams for himself. He dreamed of  finishing school and becoming a successful person   so he could help his mother and the people around  him who needed help.

Though the cards weren’t in   his favor, Kato was determined to work hard  and achieve his dreams, no matter the cost.   And wouldn’t be until years later where Kato  could repay the act of kindness shown to him. A young girl became severely ill. Local doctors  were unable to figure out what was wrong,   as they never witnessed something like this  before. Since they weren’t able to help her,   they sent her to a large city where  the best doctors examined her.

However,   no one was able to figure out  what was causing her illness.   The doctor who was able to find out the reason  for her condition was young doctor Kato. While going through the patient’s chart, he  noticed her name and the village she was from.   The moment he knew where she was from, he  gained even more curiosity about the young girl.   Kato decided to go to see the patient  himself. While walking to her room,   he was thinking about if this is the girl,  he thought it was. As he grew more excited,   his steps were faster and faster. When  his eyes met hers, he couldn’t believe it.

In front of his eyes was the girl, the very girl  who gave him milk and a bun when he needed it.   Only this time, she wasn’t so young, and  she wasn’t the one who was helping him.   Now, she was the one who was  needing help to save her life.   He returned to the staff room, deciding he  would do whatever he could to save her life.   It looked like a sudden turn for the worst  would put his generosity to the test. In the middle of the night, the  doctor received a serious phone call;   the young woman’s condition had gotten  worse. She was barely hanging on to her life.  

Through endless work, the doctors  were able to save her life,   but she was still at high risk. Kato was anxious  and rushed to the hospital the following day;   he couldn’t lose this patient. She was the one  person who helped him when he needed it most. When he arrived, she was hooked up to several  machines, showing him just how serious this   illness was. Her skin was pale white, and her  heart was beating so slowly, it was hard for   the machinery to trace it.

A week had passed,  and her condition didn’t improve at all. Though   Kato didn’t want to lose hope, he was getting  the feeling that nothing more could be done to   help her. Everything they tried to do wasn’t  working. It was time to make a hard decision. As a doctor, you sometimes need to make  difficult decisions, and this was one   he didn’t want to make. But he had no choice;  she was basically at the end of her life. So,   he decided to end her life support.

Before doing  this, he sat down next to her, holding her hand   while talking to her unconscious body. He said  that he knew how valuable her life was and that   whoever she was, he wanted to help her so badly  as the young girl who once helped him did. Kato finished his speech to her and  got up to leave. As he was leaving,   he saw the woman move her finger. It was  the signal he was hoping to get all this   time. After weeks of no response,  he finally saw a glimpse of hope. 

  It was clear she didn’t want to die either.  That small finger movement showed him that   she was fighting for her life as well. She  wanted to live; she simply needed his help. From the second he saw her finger move;  he was inspired to do whatever he could   to bring her back to life. This was his time  to do what he was hired to do: save lives.   A week passed, and the head doctor suggested  disconnecting her from the machines, as he   believed the woman could not be saved. 

The chance of her waking up was slim,   and keeping her on life support was  costing the hospital thousands of dollars.   Kato begged for a couple of more days to work  with the patient in hopes of waking her up. He told the head doctor that his patient  would wake up in a couple of days,   even though he had no idea if that would  actually happen. His request was approved,   and the head doctor agreed to give him one  more chance. However, within a few hours,   something miraculous happened. She woke up!  After a long battle, she gained consciousness,   and her illness was cured.

But before she could  leave, she had a hefty hospital bill to pay. If you’re not covered with health insurance,  chances are, your medical bill will be through   the roof. Before the young woman could  leave, she had to pay the hospital bill.   Kato asked to see the bill before giving it  to the patient, and with a smile on his face,   wrote something on the bill before it was given  to her. One of the nurses gave her the bill,   but needless to say, the young woman didn’t  want to know how much she owed the hospital. If there’s one thing, we all know, it’s that  a hospital bill can be hundreds of thousands   of dollars unless you have insurance.  Naturally, the young woman was fearful   of what the amount would come to. If she had  a big bill to pay, she could end up spending   the rest of her life trying to pay it off. 

And who wants to know that not dying would   cost more than being taken off life support.  But she had to open up the bill eventually… She was not excited to open up the bill, but she  had no choice if she wanted to go home. However,   when she opened the bill, she quickly noticed  something strange. At the end of the bill,   it said, “paid by a glass of milk and a bun.  Sincerely, Dr. Kato.” She was amazed. All   this time, Dr. Kato was the boy to whom she  gave a glass of milk and a bun years before.   The hungry little boy ended up saving her life. Realizing who Dr. Kato was, she couldn’t get  over what he did for her.

Overcome with emotion;   she was crying tears of joy.  She had only met him once,   and their encounter was so brief that it’s amazing  they both remembered the occasion. But that simple   exchange between them was powerful enough for  Kato to complete his dreams of helping others.   More importantly, he was able to give  back to the person who changed his life. It may seem insignificant to many, but this  was an act of kindness that saved her life.  

It’s not every day someone from  your past comes and saves your life.   This just goes to show you what a little  bit of kindness can bring to someone’s life.   In this case, the young woman was saved by this  doctor’s kindness. And that’s something she’ll   never forget. So, it looks like the saying is  right; a little kindness does go a long way. Kindness is a beautiful thing, and it’s  certainly not something we see enough of.   That said, after reading this story, it’s time to  think about what you’ve done to help someone out.  

The world can always use more kindness,  and life is too short to be selfish,   and maybe after reading this, you’ll  want to make a difference in your own   community. Everyone can use a little bit of  kindness – how are you going to spread it?

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