
Black Garbage Man Helps Old Woman On Street Without Knowing Who She Was, Then THIS Happens!

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For Scott, a black garbage man, it was business as usual as he went about his job picking garbage off the streets. However, things changed when he helped an old woman without knowing who she was. What happened next is shocking.

It was a cold evening as Scott made his way through the busy streets. He had a big bag in his hand and a long stick that he used to pick the garbage off the floor. He wore a thick leather jacket, heavy gloves, and safety boots to protect himself against the harsh weather. He drove from street to street, humming under his breath as a song played in his head. He wielded his stick in tune to it, moving to a beat only he could hear.

However, despite his outward cheer, there was a less pleasant thought buried at the back of his mind. Deep down, all Scott could think about was how exhausted he was. Scott couldn’t wait for the close of business that day. His body ached all over, and he was looking forward to the immense relief a good massage would give him. Walking for long hours every day and bending multiple times always left him with a sore back and legs. Now, it was the only major thing on his mind. Humming a song was the only way he could distract himself from just how tired and sore he was.

As he continued driving down the streets and picking up garbage bags, he went towards the outskirts of the city. Not a lot of garbage collectors reached this point, but Scott knew it was his duty. It was something he was being paid for, and he had to do it. As he kept picking up garbage bags and throwing them into the garbage truck, he slowly approached a place with a huge heap of garbage. The smell was bad, forcing him to squeeze his nose in disgust as he looked around.

It was too big a heap for only him to pack it all up; he would never get it done before the close of the day. He would tell his superiors so a team could be deployed. However, as he was about to turn and leave, he heard a small whimper, so faint he almost didn’t hear it. The moment the sound touched his ear, he knew at once that it was a person. He looked around him and saw no one.

He stopped to think, wondering if he’d imagined the sound. A few seconds later, the whimper came again, and this time he was sure that he did hear it. It was coming from the other side of the heap. As Scott walked around the heap of garbage, he came to a halt, and his eyes fell open in shock. There was an old woman crouching close to the ground while leaning against the wall. She had her head rested on her knees as if she was trying to hide from him.

As Scott looked at her, he felt a deep pain in his heart. Despite her seated position, she looked comfortable and didn’t seem to be paying any attention to the garbage surrounding her. Her clothes were dirty, her hair unkempt, and she was barefoot, looking homeless. He was touched by her condition and wondered if she had any children to take care of her.

He couldn’t understand why a child would allow their mother to reach such a state of neglect. To protect her against the cold, he took off his jacket and draped it over her, then gently helped her up to her feet, making her lean against him so that she wouldn’t fall back to the ground. When she could stand on her own, he asked for her name, and she weakly muttered, “Sarah.” But when he asked her where she lived, she said nothing in response.

Instead, she raised her hand and pointed down the street. Scott tried to narrow it down, making her point in a particular direction, but the old woman couldn’t do that. It looked as if she had no idea where she’d come from. He could see that she needed help. He looked around and saw that the street was deserted. This was one of the most dangerous parts of town, and spending the night outdoors could be really dangerous for anyone, let alone an old lady.

She could be attacked not just by criminals, but by raccoons and rodents that frequented the garbage dump. A single bite from any one of them could get her infected with a life-threatening disease, and he couldn’t bear to allow her to go through such a horrid ordeal.

She was old and needed all the assistance she could get. He figured she was just tired and that after a bath and some warm food, she would be able to remember where she came from. So, Scott decided to take her home with him. As he led her to the truck, gently pulling her along, Sarah didn’t hesitate at all. Instead, she held on tight to his hand as if she was scared that he would let her go.

The journey home took longer than it should have because Sarah wanted Scott to keep making stops. Almost everything seemed to catch her attention: a butterfly flying past, a child riding a bicycle, even a car driving by. She had a childlike curiosity for everything, as if she’d forgotten everything and was rediscovering it all. It made her seem more innocent to Scott, who felt even more willing to protect her. Anyone who knew Scott would know that he wasn’t in the best position to help anyone, least of all an old woman. He could barely take care of himself.

He was overworked, exhausted, and struggling to make ends meet. He had no means or resources to provide the necessary things for a confused old lady. However, they would also know that Scott would never use any of that as an excuse not to help a fellow human. He came from a humble background. His family had been poor, one of the poorest in their community. His father worked multiple jobs just to make ends meet, but it was never enough. His mother had to chip in by working two jobs.

Their combined effort was enough to keep the family just barely above their never-ending pile of bills. However, despite how poor they were, there was one thing people loved them for: they were trustworthy and humble to the core. None of them ever tried to be something they were not, and they never did anything that would bring disgrace upon the family. To Scott’s father, a good name was better than riches, and he did his best to instill that value in his son.

Another sterling trait of his father was his philanthropic nature. His father loved to help people, even if it cost him. The help came in so many forms: financial, manual, and therapeutic. No matter what it was, as long as it was something he could afford to do, Scott’s father was willing to do it. Making someone else happy was his own way of being happy.

Just like many other traits, Scott inherited his father’s philanthropic side as well. Right from a young age, all he had ever wanted was to make enough money so he could help as many people as he could. However, life didn’t care about his wishes. Everything he did seemed to fail. Right from high school, he decided that school wasn’t for him and he dropped out.

He started working odd jobs until he eventually got employed by the state. Still, that didn’t stop him from helping people out whenever he could do it. From financial assistance to accommodation issues, he had done everything for one person or another. It was for that reason he saw no qualms about bringing Sarah home with him. All he knew was that she needed help, and he was in a position to help her out. That was what he was going to do.

Eventually, they got home. He showed her the bathroom and ran her warm water, telling her to go ahead and freshen up. Next, he dug up clean clothes that she could wear; the ones she wore were beyond saving. When she was done, he prepared a warm meal for her, and she ate to her satisfaction. Just like she had been since he saw her, she was easily distracted.

However, this time around, she was in better spirits. She no longer looked tired; her skin was glowing, and she looked happy. However, when he asked her where she came from, she still had no response for him. This time she didn’t even point; she simply looked lost, as if she was trying to think of the answer and then stopped halfway. He didn’t push it, though. While knowing where she came from would help get her home faster, he wasn’t willing to force her to remember. He was sure that she was going to remember when she was good and ready, and he wasn’t going to rush her.

That’s how he came to live with the woman. For the next couple of days, he allowed her to use his bedroom, the warmest room, while he slept on his living room couch. All through her time with him, she rarely spoke. Even when Scott tried to make small talk, she never replied. It got to a point where Scott began to wonder if she was mute. He quickly brushed the thought aside, though, as he found out that the woman talked a lot in her sleep. Sadly, though, sleep talking wasn’t the only thing that was peculiar about her sleeping habits.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, he would wake up to noises in his room, but when he investigated it, he saw that it was only Sarah as she tried to make her way out of the house. She would walk around the dark house, hitting things in her search for the door.

However, when he tried to get her to go back to bed, she never resisted him. She simply went with him as if she had never wanted to leave in the first place. Other times, she would stop doing things halfway and totally forget about them, lost in her daydreaming. There were a lot of peculiar things about her, but in all, Scott greatly enjoyed her company. She was always happy to see him. Her face lit up with a smile whenever he was before her, and she happily ate what he gave her.

They lived together for over a week, and everything was going great. Having two mouths to feed for an extended period of time wasn’t something Scott had envisioned, though, and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to keep that up for long. He decided to report the matter to the police. They would be in a better position to investigate Sarah and find her family.

If she had no one, she would be sent to a home for the elderly, and he promised never to forget about her. However, before he could even call the police, tragedy struck. Sarah fell seriously ill. She had woken up as usual in the middle of the night; however, she wasn’t trying to leave the house this time. She remained in bed and began to cry profusely.

She had a high temperature, and her frail body was burning up with fever. She was in so much discomfort and pain that she was weeping from it all. At once, Scott called for an ambulance, and they came just in time. She was taken to the hospital and given something to stabilize her. The doctors then told him to hold on while they ran some tests.

As Scott waited, so many thoughts went through his head. He was terrified that Sarah wasn’t going to make it; her illness was that bad. He began to blame himself for not involving the police sooner. Maybe they would have found her home by then, and she wouldn’t have fallen ill. While Scott was lost in his thoughts, he suddenly tensed as he felt a change in the atmosphere.

The hollow halls of the hospital were suddenly filled with men in suits, and they all had firearms tucked into their belts. They stood guard on Sarah’s door and refused to let anyone who wasn’t a doctor in. They even stopped Scott from passing through. This shocked him because he had no idea who they were. He demanded to be let through at once, but the men simply ignored his protest and refused to grant him entrance. While he kept trying to push through the men, he was approached by someone else.

The moment Scott saw the man, his mouth fell open in shock as he recognized him. The man was Eric Gable, one of the richest business moguls in the city. Eric took Scott aside so they could talk. The garbage man learned a shocking truth. The old woman he had rescued wasn’t just anybody; she was Sarah Gable, the mother of the richest man in the city.

Sarah had Alzheimer’s disease, and many times she went on little escapades of her own, not realizing how dangerous those were for her. She had managed to sneak out of the house and pass the watchful eye of the bodyguards charged with keeping her safe. She had around-the-clock nannies taking care of her every need and guards to make sure that she didn’t go anywhere she shouldn’t. But that fateful day, she managed to sneak out of the house, and they had been searching for her ever since.

Eric had been worried sick, not being able to focus on his numerous business ventures. He did everything he could. He used all levels of influence he could call to find his mother. His security team was working around the clock trying to find her because they were responsible for losing her in the first place.

The police were also working tirelessly because their superiors were breathing down their necks and searching for results. Sadly, despite everything that had been done, they never found her. They combed every inch of the city, but they didn’t even find a clue as to where she was. They had been looking for her in the city. They had never expected that she would go as far as the inner streets and slums of the outskirts. Least of all, they never expected that she would find her way to the garbage dump. It was so far from her house and in such a dangerous part of town.

That day, Sarah had walked for hours. She had walked and walked with no direction in mind. She simply walked in the direction the pedestrian crowd pushed her in. She turned when people turned and went straight when they did. The deeper she went, the more the crowd began to thin out. When she was finally alone, she had no idea where she was. By then, she was at the garbage dump, and she simply sat there with no plan at all until Scott found her.

Since Scott knew nothing about her, he had no idea that there were certain drugs that she was meant to take every day. These drugs managed her health and made sure that she was as healthy as she could be most of the time. For the duration of time she had been with Scott, she didn’t take the drugs, and that led to her illness. Thankfully, when the hospital pulled up her medical information, they realized just who she was. Eric and the police had been alerted at once, and that was how the billionaire came to find his mother again.

Eric thanked Scott profusely for taking care of Sarah and bringing her back. Scott, however, didn’t feel like he deserved the thanks. He felt like he had failed Sarah and her son. He apologized for not reporting it earlier to the police. If he had done that, Eric would have found her sooner, and he wouldn’t have gone through the week terrified that he had lost his mother.

And if he’d reported the case, Sarah wouldn’t have fallen so ill. Eric assured him that he had nothing to be sorry for. All that mattered was that Sarah was fine, and it was because of him. Spending the night out alone would have been devastating for her health, but he had saved her from that. He took her in and made her feel at home. That was an act that could never be repaid. Embarrassed, Scott thanked him for his understanding and told him that he had only done what anyone in his position would have done as well. But Eric knew that wasn’t true. Most people would have left the old lady; most people probably did that day.

A few hours later, the doctors were done. They had managed to stabilize Sarah’s condition, and she was no longer in pain. Her fever had also disappeared, and she looked like her cheerful self once again. When she saw Eric, she smiled warmly, as if she remembered who he was. She also smiled when she saw Scott. However, when Eric told her that Scott was responsible for bringing her home, she looked like she had no idea what he was talking about. Yet, when Scott tried to leave, she reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing it as she smiled at him. This made the garbage man smile as his heart melted. He knew that despite the fact that she had Alzheimer’s disease, somewhere in her mind she remembered what he did, and this was her way of saying thank you.

As Scott got ready to leave, Eric took him aside so that they could talk some more. This time, the billionaire told him that he had seen the way Sarah connected with Scott, and it was clear that she already had a liking for Scott. He then offered Scott a full-time job. He would spend time with Sarah and be her friend. Eric was willing to pay a lot of money for it. The first offer he gave was more than three times what Scott earned as a garbage man for a much easier job. After all, Scott had done it for free for over a week, clearly enjoying the old woman’s company.

This was an upgrade for him, and he readily accepted the offer. He quit his job as a garbage man and moved in to live with Sarah, the nanny, and the guards. This wasn’t just about being paid to be a friend to Sarah; it was also about making sure that she never ran away again. He took her on strolls, and they went to the park together. Eric told him the things Sarah had loved to do for fun, and Scott was happy to do them all with her. Things were looking up for him.

He was fed and accommodated, and he also got to meet some of the elite of the city. The name Gable opened a lot of doors that he would never have walked through on his own. Scott was happy that everything had worked out well. He could see just how far kindness had brought him, and he swore that he would never stop being kind. He would keep on doing good because that was the right thing to do, and one could never guess what would come out of it.

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