
“Bleeding Heart Liberal” Joe Rogan: “I Would Vote for Trump Before I Would Vote for Biden” (VIDEO)

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Joe Rogan went off on Dementia Joe and the Democrat sideshow in Washington DC today.

Rogan pointed to the suitcase robber Sam Brinton to make his point that Democrats are completely out to lunch today.

Joe Rogan: And I go I would vote for Trump before I’d vote for Biden, just because I think with Biden, like, he’s gone. Like, you know, he’s gone. It’s you’re going to be relying on his cabinet. And I knew his cabinet would be this fucking sideshow of diversity, which is exactly what it is. I mean, let that one person who stole all the women’s clothes that Sam Brinton, we highlighted on the podcast yesterday, like, that’s a diversity hire. You you just said, oh, look at this. A man who dresses like a woman and has a beard and a mustache, but also wears lipstick. This is perfect for us. I don’t give a f*ck what this guy’s good at or bad at. I don’t give a f*ck what their credentials are. This makes us look like we’re inclusive. This makes us look like we’re on the right side. So let’s hire this person.

You can’t have those kind of people running a Ben and Jerry’s. You certainly can’t have those kind of people running the fucking most powerful government the world’s ever known. It’s nonsense.

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