“When a hungry beggar approached the opulent Cafe owner, the owner did something reprehensible to ridicule the beggar for asking for leftovers. The cruel owner received a swift and powerful blow from Karma a day later.

The busy city’s beating heart was Mr. Rupert’s Cafe. It was the gathering place where people would go to enjoy a warm cup of coffee, freshly made pastries, mouthwatering cinnamon rolls, and the kind grin of its owner. It was tucked away in the center of the town square, thanks to his late father’s perseverance and commitment. What began as a little food truck business when Mr. Rupert was 5 years old eventually became the buzz of the town.
After his father’s passing, Mr. Rupert came into possession of the growing company. He gave everything he had to make this restaurant a success. But as time went on, something in him changed. He lost sight of his own modest beginnings. As a result of the success of his firm, which gave him a sense of entitlement and superiority, Mr. Rupert lost his…….Read Full Story Here……….