Miguel was humiliated and expelled from a toy store because of the color of his skin when they found out who he was the tables turned completely.
Ethan and his family were arriving at the airport in the big city of Sao Paulo they will spend 10 days on vacation and were looking forward to visiting sites restaurants and getting to know everything in the city Ethan was a very powerful businessman in the toy business despite being very rich the millionaire had come from a humble family that lived on the outskirts of Rio De Janeiro as he was of African descent and poor he suffered a lot from racism throughout his youth.
But that didn’t stop him from growing up as a boy he was spectacular and very intelligent he studied by himself. what he could as he needed to work to help around the house when he was 20 years old he got a job as a clerk in a toy store and there he began to realize how much those simple objects could bring a smile to a child’s face.
His childhood had been very hard and it was then that he created a project for a new toy and showed it to his boss who was a very good man and that helped him to develop the idea so he wanted to make a toy that could bring a lot of Joy to the little ones he created a puppy that walked by itself and it was a bestseller.
He began to create more and more and more toys and that’s how he managed to set up his first store soon this store became a successful franchise and then a young man who came from Humble Origins became a millionaire the rich man had a 10 year old son Miguel who like his father was very intelligent and humble, as Ethan taught him the value of people even though he was still so small young Miguel also went through several racist situations due to his skin color.
He studied at a high-class school where the majority of students were white and some of his classmates were very mean to him making fun of a little boy but Miguel was learning to deal with it and treated everyone very well because his father and mother Sarah who was also black gave their son a lot of advice the boy was very cheerful and very creative and like his father he wanted to be a great inventor.
therefore he liked to design his own toys in his notebook so the family was making this trip and they were very happy because Ethan was a very busy businessman and they had been planning to visit the city for a long time the three walked around the city a lot went to several waterfalls visited some tourist spots and ate in many restaurants.
One day they woke up early and went to visit several places that were planned for that day they went to the zoo and aquarium and had a great time as soon as the morning walk was over Mega asked his parents to go to a park the family arrived at the playground and the boys soon ran out join some children and played.
when he got tired the boy took his notebook and started to draw some more toys that he wanted to build like for example a giant slide arriving close to lunchtime Ethan and Sarah called their son as they had a reservation at a steakhouse where they were going to have lunch. when they saw the boy they laughed and the businessman said you’re all dirty buddy did you have a lot of fun yes Dad I played a lot daddy you saw me going down the slide see how fast I came down from the top asked the boy yes you were gliding very fast glad you enjoyed the ride’s son? answered the father already patting Miguel’s clothes to remove the Dust I also designed this slide look daddy I’m going to build a big one when I grow up and the boy showed his drawing the father rejoiced and said wow what a giant one.
Looks great Miguel I’m very proud Miguel had buried dirty clothes to go to lunch and the hotel was on the other side of the city the parents looked and that was when Sarah came up with the idea of going to the mall nearby and taking her son to take a shower in the bathroom of one of her franchise doors all of ethens toy stores had a space reserved for employees where they had a bathroom with shower and changing room.
So the three went there arriving at the mall they could already see the store’s logo from afar but Sarah also decided to go to a clothing store first and buy some clothes to dress her son, but I can go now Mom I really want to see the store Miguel Aster as he loved going to his parents stores and was looking forward to visiting this one as he had never been there yes you can but go carefully and wait for us there okay. Sarah replied Miguel ran through the mall jumping up and down happily on the way to the store people were already looking at him a little Askew whispered it was obvious that they were uncomfortable with the presence of that dirty little boy.
When the boy arrived at his parents store he went in and looked at the toys he was delighted with the size of the establishment and was already picking up some toys he took a cart that had a high value it was then that an employee saw him and thought the boy was going to steal the toy, he ran to the manager’s office and called out to him boss I think you better take a look up front there’s a boy all Derby and rag here in the store playing with toys and why didn’t you send him away, is he incompetent by any chance Igor spoke irritated agor was a sour man bitter with life and dissatisfied with just being a toy store manager.
No one liked him and he was rude to all the employees but they all obeyed him as for the slightest thing he would fire them and the worker continue here what boss I didn’t know if he was going to steal it but I was waiting to see it I thought I’d call you looks like I’m going to have to go there and do your job.
what do I pay you for you fool Igor grumbled getting up from his chair the manager went to the boy and when he saw him he was enraged he realized that it was a boy all dirty and ragged and already assumed that the boy might be trying to steal a cart you kid leave the toys here you’re not going to steal it here and he took the cart from Miguel’s hand with Force the boy got all scared and tried to explain himself no sir I would not steal but before he could finish Igor not knowing that that boy was the store owner’s son took him by the arm and pulled the boy to the door.
While saying get out of here dirty kid I never want to see you here again understand however the store clerk a 25 year old Cecilia seen the whole situation thought it was absurd and went running to help the boy she took the boy from the manager’s hands and said boss you shouldn’t do this throwing out a little boy like that just because he’s not clean and well-dressed.
The manager got irritated with the young lady and mumbled you dare to challenge me Cecilia knows she could lose her job that’s why she doesn’t know I’m just saying this is a toy store boss and he’s just a kid answered the girl he looks like he’s going to pay for something you idiot look at him Igor was completely losing patience and the boy spoke showing his notebook but sir I wasn’t stealing I just like drawing toys look shut up kid shouted.
The manager angrily and Igor took the notebook from the boy’s hands and called the security guard kick the child out of the store and said while he tore up all the pages in The Notebook look what I do with this garbage no stop it give it back to me shouted the poor boy trying to get the notebook, the store security guard pushed into the ground in the manager throwing the rest of what was left of the boy’s notebook in the wind told the boy to go away and never set foot in that store again and he even told Cecilia to go back to work otherwise she would be fired the young woman completely outraged glaring at Igor went to the boy who was lying on the floor and began to collect the pieces of paper.
She apologized several times for her boss but the boy was already breaking down in tears she helped him up and hugged in and looking at the manager Cecilia said angrily I’m quitting I’m not going to work in a place that treats a child like that excellent you were a really bad employee said the manager, irritated the young woman straightened the boy’s clothes and spoke are your parents here the boy answered with his head down and crying so will you be able to find him.
She spoke to the boy in a gentle way drying the boy’s tears the young woman went back inside the store to get her things at the counter and then Miguel ran out crying and found his parents who were leaving the clothing store when they heard what happened the two rushed letting the bags fall to the ground and began to ask what had happened?.
while hugging their son Sarah was appalled at the way her son was treated and immediately wanted to go to the store and fire that credinous manager but it was then that Ethan told his wife to stop they would do it differently they would teach the manager a lesson he would never forget and he told his plan to Sarah and his son so then he arrived at the toy store and went in alone even though the rich man was a very handsome strong and athletic man even though he was very well dressed and with an imported perfume that invaded the entire store.
Even though he appeared to be a rich man just because he was black he already started to receive an ugly look from Igor good evening decide by approaching the manager Iger looked from head to toe and with a face of disdain he replied dryly good evening.
What do you want today? my name is Ethan marks and I am the owner of the store and showing his document he continued on going from store to store of my franchises in this city to get to know the establishment Igor’s eyes widened and he was completely baffled the treatment has completely changed with the sweetest voice he could make acor began to fawn over the boss, so over here sir and he began to show the store we weren’t expecting you so we didn’t have a big reception do not worry, I just want to make sure everything is in order in my stores answer the rich man it was then that Miguel entered the store again and the manager tried to scare him away boy hey! I already told you to get out of here and turn into the businessman he spoke I’m sorry sir this boy has been bothering us since earlier.
I caught him trying to steal one of the toys Ethan turned to the boy and asked as if he didn’t know him were you trying to steal something boy no no sir. said the boy I was just looking at a cart he completed following what he had agreed with his father so the millionaire told the manager so now treat the boy the same way you’re treating me Igor was stunned for a moment, confused and spoke but boss clearly this kid doesn’t have the money to pay for any toys here and so irritated he snapped so your good service is selective because in my store I don’t want that kind of Distinction all customers must be treated equally it doesn’t matter the color of your skin clothes or weather.
So now take care of this boy the businessman even ordered all employees to look so that they would know how people who enter the store should be served Cecilia the clerk who had helped Miguel earlier stop and watched the scene happy with the scolding the credinous manager had taken and without imagining what was yet to happen.
The manager was embarrassed but he obeyed he began to take the boy from shelf to shelf showing the available toys Miguel chose the same card he had taken earlier Igor was annoyed as it was the latest release toy and therefore very expensive but he tried to contain himself and asked the rich boss as you can see this cart is the latest release piece it costs 300 Brazilian real surely this kid can’t pay for it do you intend to give the toy as a gift to him.
I have nothing to give him because everything here is his he responded and then the manager got confused I didn’t understand sir this is my son Miguel and he was treated like crap in the store just because of his skin color and his clothes said the businessman glaring at Igor all the employees were speechless the manager even took a step back and almost knocked over one of the shelves he couldn’t believe it and immediately started apologizing.
Boss I did not know the boy how was I supposed to know it was then that Sarah entered the store and said everything that the Arrogant manager deserved to hear I and this boy’s mother and he is an amazing boy I can’t accept how the world treats him just because he has more melanin than other people you are a horrible person Igor and you should learn to treat people better there is nothing worse for a mother than seeing her child crying because of ridiculous people like you who cannot show a minimum of respect for others.
so please leave our store now you are fired and for good reason Igor’s eyes widened and you knelt down in front of Sarah and begged her not to be fired but the owner who looked at him coldly said I want to see you ever again in that store then get up and leave immediately be grateful that we didn’t report you to the police for racism let this serve as a lesson for you to reevaluate your horrible ways come on get out of here .
the manager was practically without reaction he got up an embarrassment and left completely humiliated and then he also fired the employee and the security guard both also asked the boss to change his mind but the rich man did not tolerate racism or the way they had treated his son.
the two left the store devastated and dejected so Miguel ran to the back of the store and saw Cecilia would go on to get her things to leave since she had resigned and he shouted to his father Papa the good kind lady is back here the little boy’s parents went to her and the young woman greeted them awkwardly she had seen everything that had happened to Igor and the other two at the back of the store.
they thanked her for the way she had defended Miguel and it was then that the manager said your attitude of resigning was beautiful we can see that you were a person of character but you were not leaving the store today now you are the new manager of this place Cecilia was speechless and Sue began thanking her boss non-stop.
the young woman received a very expressive raise and even won the friendship and admiration of businessmen Ethan and his family and so then Sarah and Miguel left happily some time later the rich man launched one of the toys designed by his son a model of a remote control car and it was the biggest success and they continued to visit their stores in search of hiring better people who would treat others with equality and respect