Boy Notices Strange Pattern By Lake, Then Experts Unearth A Wild Sight Buried In The Mud

Taking a stroll in the woods is always a novel idea, but this young boy’s adventure in the forest led him to accidentally uncovering a mystery that has been left stale for decades. He accomplished something that even professionals tried and failed at before him.

Curt a Lake District is a wooded 30-hectare area of tranquil beauty, which has about 40 lakes in it. As you can imagine, the spot is a favorite in Estonia for anyone who wants to hide away from the world for a few hours. That is exactly what our young explorer was doing, walking aimlessly in the woods with the soft patter of rain around him. The boy was very content until he took a look at the ground in front of him.
He spotted something rather unnatural, which he just couldn’t place. It looked like the Earth itself had been gouged open into the ground by something or someone. He could only see the top of the thing but had no idea what to make of it. Whatever it was, it looked like someone had intentionally placed it there. Confused and shaken, he rushed back home and……Read Full Story Here……..