As little Hank was handed his baby sister to hold for the first time, he didn’t care at all that he was white and she was black. However, what he did care about was the strange thing he spotted on her arm. When he looked closer, he made a startling discovery.

Jason and Emma tried to conceive for almost 10 years without success, and eventually made the choice to adopt. The adoption agency regarded the couple as ideal parents, and when Hank was born and given up for adoption, they were immediately contacted to meet the precious boy who would become their son.
For the next 6 years, life was all about raising Hank. The boy with bright blue eyes and dark curly hair looked a lot like Jason, so only people who closely knew the family were aware that this was their adopted son. The family flourished over the course of the years. Jason and Emma would have been content with their lives if it wasn’t for……..Read Full Story Here…………………