
Bus Driver Spots Kid Entering Forest, Sees His Face And Calls The Cops

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“A beautiful eight-year-old girl named Madeline was lying on her deathbed in the hospital when she said her last words. Her final words left her parents horrified.

Madeline was the rare type of human that touched everyone she met in her life. Her parents were struggling in their marriage before she came along, but once she was born, all their problems seemed to disappear. Her bright smile and radiant personality brought so much joy into their lives that they didn’t even care to fight anymore. She made them see all the beauty this life has to offer.

Madeline’s parents were very happy to watch their baby girl grow into a healthy child without any illnesses. Thanks to her energetic and social spirit, Madeline took a liking to sports. Her parents let her try all types of sports, but can you guess which one was her favorite? It’s only the most common sport in South America. You guessed it—soccer. When she was only….Read Full Story Here……..

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