
Cat Keeps Bringing Money, So Man Then Sets Up Camera And Sees This

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“If it were just a few misplaced banknotes, it wouldn’t have needed an explanation. Maybe they had all fallen on the floor, but it felt like the cash was coming from this cat. The pile they were playing with each day was bigger than the last. Was his feline a cat burglar? Stewart was passionate about animals, cats in particular.

He loved his animals way more than his wife did. Together, the couple had adopted three animals: a dog and two cats. They were all strays, but soon Stewart felt that they were missing something. Then, a beautiful American Curl appeared on his porch. After much begging, he managed to convince his wife to let him keep the furry feline. The sad stray soon had a new home.

He wasn’t allowed to keep any more strays in the house, so he kept the new cat in his office. He was like a staff member at the place, and that would ring true when the cat’s starting turning a prophet. One morning when he got to the office, he noticed some bad notes on the……Read Full Story Here.……..

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