

Boy Who Got Tied to Tree, Set On Fire gets Justice Thanks To Last Words On Deathbed

Thanks to a deposition he gave on his deathbed, he received justice years after an attacker set him on fire. His attacker was imprisoned, and the boy’s family received $150 million in a civil lawsuit. On his eighth birthday, another boy tied Robbie to a tree, poured gasoline on him...

Mother says boyfriend forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out, but that’s not the worst of it!

Prosecutors said the 23-year-old mother, Katrina, and her 27-year-old boyfriend Jose forced her 5-year-old daughter to put uriine-soaked socks in her mouth and then pulled it out so aggressively that two of her teeth fell out. But, unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it! Last week, the mother pleaded guilty...
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