

White Male Student Punches Black Girl In the Nose, Sending Her to Hospital After Hurling the N-Word Sparking Walkout at High School

Black high school students in Kansas City initiated a protest, where they marched off the campus of the Shawnee Mission East High School in response to a racist incident that sent one of their fellow classmates to the hospital. This followed a white student calling her a racial slur and...

Early Vaccine Recipient Involved in the Vaccine Rollout Campaign Speaks Out – Reveals He Suffered Adverse Reaction – Exposes How Corporate America Colluded with the Government to Push Mandate (VIDEO)

Fearing for his children’s safety, a former Emergency Services Manager of a fully integrated steel company who suffered an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine has broken his silence.“What made me decide to stand up and fight back after all of this? It wasn’t my deteriorating health it was my...

Stanford University Releases List of ‘Harmful’ and ‘Racist’ Words to Eliminate – Including ‘American,’ ‘Grandfather,’ and ‘Long Time, No See’

The woke losers at Stanford University released a list of ‘harmful language’ to eliminate in an effort to be more sensitive to marginalized groups. The guide, titled “The Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative,” featured “10 ‘harmful language’ sections outlined in the index: ableist, ageism, colonialism, culturally appropriative, gender-based, imprecise language,...
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