

How War Photographer Stops Shooting Mid-Explosion to Rescue Injured Syrian Boy

There are a million jobs you could have in this world. Growing up to become a firefighter, a doctor or a teacher is pretty much at the top of every kid’s list.Becoming a war photographer? Not so much.But that’s what Abd Alkader Habak does for a living.As if living in...

Black Man Tries to Hug White Supremacist 3 Times—Then God Whispers 4 Words in His Ear

When Randy Furniss attended Richard Spencer’s far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the white supremacist never expected to run into the likes of Aaron Courtney.Courtney, a 31-year-old high school football coach, attended Spencer’s controversial speech at the University of Florida—but he responded much differently than his fellow protestors. As people yelled,...

Ukraine Hit A Russian Building During Shelling Of Belgorod

Ukraine has been shelling the city of Belgorod, Russia in what appears to be a ramping up of the war toward a worldwide altercation. In the shelling, Ukraine struck an apartment building.An apartment block has been hit and damaged during the Ukrainian shelling of the Russian city of Belgorod, Mayor...

Russia ‘preparing to evacuate civilians’ from major city of Kherson

MoD says Moscow's forces are anticipating combat extending to the city itself as Ukraine pushes ahead in its southern counter-offensive Russia is preparing to evacuate civilians from Kherson amid fears Ukraine could soon reach the southern city, according to British intelligence. Moscow’s forces are likely attempting to consolidate a new...

Macron Reminds Biden to Think Before Speaking

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me – unless you are a world leader! French President Emmanuel Macron has been warning US President Brain-Dead Biden to THINK before speaking. At best, Biden causes confusion when he derails from the teleprompter. At worst, he drags...

China, India Sound Unhappy With New Russian Move

Major Putin allies call for de-escalation in Ukraine after latest strikes (Newser) – Vladimir Putin may be a pariah in the West because of his invasion of Ukraine, but two powerful allies have steered clear of publicly condemning the war since it began: China and India. However, both nations used...
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