

‘I Don’t Know What’s Happening!’ Briefing Room Cracks Up Laughing Over Very Specific Question About Biden Limo

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the press corps shared a laugh as CBS News correspondent Ed O’Keefe mocked his own question about President Joe Biden’s license plates. A minor stink was raised this week over a report that Biden’s The Beast hasn’t been updated to feature the “End...

“Daddy Was About to Send that Guy Billions of Our Dollars in a Massive Money Laundering Scheme” OAN’s Dan Ball with TGP’s Joe Hoft Discussing Zelensky and Hunter in Ukraine (VIDEO)

TGP’s Joe Hoft joined Dan Ball on One America News Network last night to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop and recent articles from The Gateway Pundit showing numerous crimes and corruption related to Hunter and the Biden crime family.In the segment below, Dan Ball does another excellent job going over...

Karine Jean-Pierre Dodges Questions on Hunter Biden’s Laptop – After Hunter’s Lawyers Asked the DOJ to Launch a Criminal Probe Into Giuliani and Others

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre dodged questions on Hunter Biden’s laptop even though Hunter’s lawyers are asking the federal government to crush people for reporting on his abandoned laptop.Hunter Biden is asking the Federal Government and the Delaware AG to go after individuals who shared personal information from his...

HUGE! House Oversight Investigating John Kerry for His Private Meetings with Communist China on Deals that Undermined US Economy

The House Oversight Committee on Thursday called on Joe Biden’s climate czar John Kerry to provide information on his secret negotiations with Communist China to undermine US economic interests.These Democrats are all the same – doing anything they can to destroy the country. https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1621233158845874176?t=R11hBNAbZwISvq1Hk7sU2w&s=19 National Review reported:In a letter obtained...

House Democrats Get Triggered By Matt Gaetz Proposing Members Of The Judiciary Committee Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Meetings (VIDEO)

When liberals wonder why conservatives question their patriotism, what happened in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday explains why.Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) introduced a seemingly innocuous amendment requesting members of the Committee recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting. But Democrats threw a tantrum instead. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)...
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