CEO ‘’Accidentally” Forgets Wallet To Test Employees, Then He Sees Them Doing THIS And Faints!

A CEO of a restaurant went on a covert mission in his restaurant to test his workers by accidentally forgetting his wallet on the table. Richard then saw his workers doing something astonishing and fainted.
When Richard stepped into the restaurant, the queue forming before the counter that early evening wasn’t as long as he had expected. The restaurant was almost empty compared to Richard’s other four establishments, which he visited randomly. Richard promptly joined the queue to maintain his disguise as a regular customer. The CEO was on a secret mission to observe how the restaurant was run and to test the integrity of his employees. As an astute businessman, Richard had always been concerned that out of his five restaurants, this particular one consistently incurred financial losses at the end of the month, while the other four generated massive profits.
Richard was sick with severe high blood pressure. He had even survived a partial stroke four weeks after he collapsed at home. Richard’s doctor had advised him to get enough rest and take time off work. Richard had done just that, and now that he was much better, he decided to figure out what was going on at the restaurant. When Richard questioned his general manager, Pete, about the issue, Pete politely but bluntly told him that the restaurant’s manager, George, was most probably up to no good. Richard was enraged and determined to teach the manager a lesson he wouldn’t forget in a hurry.
Soon enough, it was Richard’s turn to be served at the counter. He ordered a light meal and took the tray of food to a table at the end. None of the workers knew what he looked like since he managed the restaurants through a general manager. Additionally, this particular restaurant was the farthest from his home, located on the outskirts of the city, so he never really went there.
Richard sat down at a table and ate his lunch. When he felt the moment was right and no one was watching, he discreetly placed his wallet, which was filled with money, on the table. He then swiftly moved to an empty table at the end of the restaurant, where he could keep an eye on the wallet. Richard believed that if any of the staff stole the wallet, it would mean that the restaurant was poorly managed and the staff was undisciplined and dishonest. This would explain the consistently poor financial returns each month. If this turned out to be the case, Richard planned to fire the manager and possibly the whole staff.
What happened next was so shocking that Richard fainted.
Richard’s father was a wealthy man who owned a chain of eight top-notch restaurants. Richard had five siblings, and according to their father’s policy and will, each child would receive ownership of one of his restaurants upon graduating from college. Therefore, when Richard graduated from college at age 23 with a business management degree, he received ownership of one of his father’s restaurants and moved out of his parents’ home to start his own life. With his savvy business skills and motivation, he expanded the single restaurant inherited from his father. Over the span of a decade, Richard acquired four more restaurants. Additionally, he made successful investments in real estate, shares, and government bonds. By his late 30s, Richard was very wealthy, and he lived in an elegant, iconic, and expensive 19th-century mansion. Richard drove the best luxurious cars; however, he chose to remain unmarried for reasons best known to himself.
But Richard had one major problem, which was his severe high blood pressure. He inherited the health condition from his father. Nevertheless, Richard never allowed the sickness to be an obstacle to his utter dedication to his business, which is why he was sitting at a table trying to figure out what the problem was at his only faltering restaurant. As Richard kept an eye on his wallet, he soon saw a waitress come around to clear his previous table away. Richard was excited to see what would happen next. The countenance on the waitress’s face changed to that of shock and confusion the moment she saw the wallet. The waitress picked up the wallet and glanced around the restaurant as if she was trying to be certain that nobody was watching her. Richard was sure she would pocket the wallet, but to his utter surprise, the waitress dropped the wallet on the table and instantly walked away.
Richard was still wondering what the waitress had in mind when she returned with a male colleague. When Richard saw the male colleague with the waitress, he immediately concluded that he was her boyfriend and she must have brought him to help steal the wallet. The man picked up the wallet and, after whispering something to the waitress, pocketed it, and then they quickly left the table. Richard was shocked. So this was what was happening in his restaurant: his employees were dating each other and stealing together. What else were they stealing? No wonder the restaurant was incurring massive losses at the end of every month, he concluded angrily.
Richard was contemplating how to reveal himself as the CEO to the restaurant manager and promptly fire George and the dishonest staff when his thoughts were interrupted by a loud announcement over the restaurant’s public address system.
“Ladies and gentlemen, can we have your attention, please? This is the manager speaking. A wallet has been found by our staff. If you’ve misplaced your wallet, please come to the manager’s office to identify and claim it. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.”
Richard was stunned beyond belief. His earlier conclusions about the staff were completely wrong. The well-disciplined and honest employees had returned the wallet to the manager, who had just announced the found item. That seemed to clear up at least three people, including the manager. To Richard, this was a testament to the fact that the restaurant was efficiently run and that the staff were disciplined, contrary to his initial assumptions. Then why did the restaurant consistently incur significant monthly losses? Lost in thought, Richard suddenly heard loud and unfamiliar noises emanating from outside the restaurant. Puzzled and disoriented, he instinctively stood up and hurried outside to investigate the source of the commotion.
Outside the restaurant, Richard was stunned to find a crowd of unkempt people in tattered clothes. What was even more infuriating was the way they were shouting and pushing each other to join the queue.
“Has my restaurant turned into a mental asylum?” Richard blurted out in shock.
From where he stood, Richard saw some waiters and waitresses handing out take-home packages of food to the noisy and unruly crowd. Curious to understand what was happening, Richard decided to move closer to the scene. That was when something unexpected happened. As Richard rushed to the scene, he tripped on a small raised concrete platform, fell with such force that he hit his head on the tiled floor, and fainted.
Fortunately, a cleaner named Ruth, who was working nearby, saw Richard collapse. She promptly dropped her vacuum cleaner and quickly rushed over to him. Bending down, Ruth began shaking Richard, but there was no response from the CEO. She then started shouting for help. Quickly, a crowd of workers and customers gathered around. Someone doused Richard’s head with a chilled bottle of water, but it had no effect. A waitress ran inside the restaurant, and barely two minutes later, George was seen hurrying toward the scene with her. As soon as George got to the scene, he immediately ordered the crowd to disperse to give Richard some needed fresh air. Then, with the help of two workers, George carried Richard to the restaurant’s parking lot and gently placed him in the back of his sedan. Afterward, he immediately drove to the nearest hospital, where Richard was quickly taken to the emergency unit.
Within two hours, the medics had successfully revived him, and he regained consciousness. After reviving Richard, the chief doctor left the emergency unit and approached George in the waiting room. George had been anxiously pacing there since Richard was admitted. He was deeply concerned; the last thing he wanted was news of a customer dying in his restaurant. He knew competitors would jump at the chance to claim the restaurant had poisoned someone—a scenario that could devastate the business. According to the doctor, Richard had fainted due to the shock and impact to the head when he hit the floor. He also disclosed to George that Richard’s high blood pressure didn’t help matters at all.
George didn’t even wait for the doctor to finish speaking before he rushed into Richard’s room. There he found Richard conscious but looking dazed. Richard was trying to remember what had just happened and where he was.
Overjoyed, George greeted Richard with shouts of, “Thank goodness you’re okay, sir!”
“Do you know who I am?” Richard asked the manager after a few seconds of silence. George was shocked that the strange man even knew his name.
“No, sir, I don’t,” George answered suddenly nervously.
Richard then introduced himself as the CEO. George just stood there staring at his boss with utter shock written all over his face. Richard, a man of few words, wasted no time and got straight to the point. He began by sharing his plan with George to test the integrity of the restaurant staff by intentionally leaving his wallet on a table, a test they passed with flying colors. Just as George was about to smile at what he thought was a compliment, Richard’s tone turned harsh.
“So you’ve turned my restaurant into a gathering place for unruly people?” He barked, glaring at George, who looked downcast and struggled to respond. Richard continued in an even harsher tone, “No wonder the restaurant is facing such massive monthly losses.”
At this point, George took a deep breath before boldly explaining to Richard that the restaurant was making losses because of Pete’s corruption. According to George, the general manager pocketed the majority of the money meant for the proper running and maintenance of the restaurant. George further revealed to Richard that more than half of the ACs in the restaurant weren’t even working. Moreover, whenever he asked Pete for money to fix the damaged ACs, Pete would simply tell him that there was no money. The worst of Pete’s excesses, according to George
, was the fact that he poorly paid the best chefs in the restaurant, a situation that resulted in all of the chefs eventually quitting. As a result, the restaurant was desperately short of workers. Whenever George complained to Pete that they needed to hire more workers, Pete would simply threaten to fire him if he didn’t stop complaining.
After George’s shocking revelations, Richard was visibly stunned and saddened. He had entrusted Pete with full authority as the general manager of his five restaurants, believing in his competence and integrity. However, George’s account suggested otherwise, and Richard couldn’t shake the feeling that Pete had indeed betrayed his trust. Putting the pieces together, Richard concluded that Pete must have been embezzling funds meant for proper management, a realization that left him deeply disappointed.
“One last thing, sir,” George interrupted Richard’s thoughts boldly.
George explained that he had started the program to give out 100 free meals every night.
“What?” Richard interrupted George with a scream even before he finished speaking. “100 of my meals to some strangers every night? That’s why the whole place looked like a mental asylum. You know what, George,” Richard continued, “I want that charitable program of yours canceled with immediate effect, or you’ll be saying goodbye to your job,” Richard barked at George.
But to Richard’s utter shock, George replied, “With all due respect, sir, I can’t cancel the program. I’m willing to sacrifice my job for that.”
The shocked Richard, who wasn’t expecting that response from George, asked him why he was willing to sacrifice his job for the sake of some strangers. George then politely told Richard his touching story. George was born into a very poor family in another city. He was the eldest of his parents’ four kids. When George was 18 years old, his parents couldn’t afford to pay rent any longer, so his entire family was forced out of their two-room apartment, and they started living on the streets. George found work as a low-paid cleaner at a restaurant. The manager, John, likely saved his family’s lives by providing five free meals each evening for George to take home after learning of their dire situation. This act of kindness continued for about six months until George’s father secured a decent-paying job at a car wash. With this job, the family was able to move into a one-room apartment. George never forgot John’s kindness. Holding back tears, he explained to Richard that the people at the restaurant were orphans and homeless. He also mentioned that business had declined since Pete fired the experienced staff. With the new cooks not performing well, customers stopped coming, leading to food waste. George decided to give the surplus food to the homeless instead of throwing it away.
After George finished his story, Richard felt an overwhelming sense of pity wash over him. Suddenly, an idea struck him: the restaurant would start publicizing the homeless charity program online, a move that could attract support and increased patronage. Excitedly, Richard shared the idea with George, but he emphasized to his manager that the success of the plan was crucial. He gave George three months to improve the restaurant’s revenue. However, Richard made it clear that if the restaurant continued to incur losses at the end of the three months, he would have no choice but to close it down, which would also mean an end to the charity program.
George was simply elated at Richard’s idea. He profusely thanked the CEO and promised him that he would do his very best to make sure that the idea would turn out successful. Richard then dismissed George, who went back to work smiling from ear to ear like he had just won a million-dollar lottery.
The following day, George called a general staff meeting, where he instructed all workers to document and share videos and pictures of the homeless charity program online. The staff immediately rallied behind their boss’s idea and began working on it diligently. Within a few days, the videos shared by the restaurant’s workers went viral online, garnering widespread support, applause, and praise. Richard was overwhelmed with happiness when he received news of the donations. None of his other restaurants had ever seen such a massive influx of funds since he acquired them. The generous contribution from Mr. Andrews, one of the city’s wealthiest philanthropists, amounted to a staggering $1 million. This unexpected windfall filled Richard with a mix of emotions: gratitude, astonishment, and hope. It was a turning point for the restaurant, signaling a new chapter of success and community impact. The staff, too, were elated by the news, feeling proud to be a part of a restaurant making such a significant difference in the lives of others.
As each day went by, the restaurant continued to receive smaller donations from various sources. Encouraged by this influx of support, Richard instructed George to increase the number of free meals to 300—100 per day. The increased publicity surrounding the charity program attracted a surge of patrons to the restaurant. The overwhelming number of new diners prompted Richard, who had taken over direct management following Pete’s dismissal, to hire an additional ten waiters and waitresses, along with five more chefs, to handle the increased demand.
Three months later, donations to the charity program had soared to an astonishing $24 million. The heartwarming story of the restaurant’s homeless charity initiative spread like wildfire, with local TV, radio, and newspapers all highlighting its impact. The media dubbed the restaurant the best in the city. With increased patronage and growing renown, the restaurant’s profits skyrocketed, surpassing those of all of Richard’s other establishments combined. Richard and George couldn’t have been happier with the outcome. In recognition of their dedication, Richard doubled George’s salary and that of the two staff members who had discovered the wallet. Impressed by George’s leadership, Richard promoted him to general manager of all five restaurants and raised the salaries of all other employees. The bond between George and Richard remained unbreakable as the restaurant continued to thrive. Inspired by its success, Richard expanded the charity program to provide 500 free meals for the homeless every day.