Everything was fine in a police station until a little boy arrived, shouting, ‘Please arrest my father.’ What nobody knew was that the secret behind that sentence would shock everyone to the core. On a hot Tuesday morning, tranquility settled in the police station in the small town of Saint John.

The fans rotated slowly, trying to alleviate the heat, while the police officers had their coffee and reviewed some reports. It was a typical quiet morning for the town, but the stillness was broken when the doors of the police station swung wide.
The figure of a little boy with dark hair and frightened eyes stood out as he ran into the police station. His eyes swollen from crying, he searched the room as if looking for something or someone. He was Henry, a six-year-old boy, small for his age and clearly terrified.
Without hesitation, the little boy made his way to the reception desk. His tiny feet tapping against the ceramic floor, his little hands gripped the counter tightly as he tried to get the attention of any adult who could help him. Please arrest my father,’ his trembling, desperate voice echoed through the….Read Full Story Here.……..