
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slams Biden Regime and Mainstream Fake News Media Over Nord Stream Explosions and Ohio Train Derailment (VIDEO)

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Chinese Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin attacked the Biden regime over the Nord Stream pipeline explosions, and accused the mainstream fake news media of being “complicit in America’s crimes.” He also questioned why the Biden regime isn’t protecting its own people in the wake of the train derailment in Ohio.

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit reported that along with Russia, China and Germany are now requesting an investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipe and any connection to Joe Biden.

It’s been a week since the explosive article by Sey Hersh linking Joe Biden to the sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Hersh said that the Biden gang was responsible for last fall’s pipeline explosion, according to his source.

In his first interview since publishing his bombshell Nord Stream report, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh said it was “not a hard story to find” and that it was obvious that NATO was involved in the Nord Stream attack. Hersh was astonished at his colleagues, who “don’t seem to have anyone inside.”

Biden “saw that gas as a weapon”, Hersh said. “As long as Russia was selling that much gas, they thought Russia would weaponize it if there was a war.” The planning began before the war, Hersh said.

“The New York Times has a lot of terrific reporters, but when it comes to this type of reporting, they underestimate the American people. We’re ready to accept the fact the President did this,” Hersh said. “You have to hold the President to account.”

On Wednesday, Wang Wenbin called for an investigation into the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines and the prosecution of those involved. He also attacked the mainstream media in the US for being complicit in America’s crimes.

“The Nord Stream gas pipelines are vital, transnational infrastructure. The explosions have had a serious impact on the global energy market and ecological environment. If the American investigative journalist Hersh is telling the truth, and it was the US who attacked the pipelines, the act is clearly unacceptable and must be answered for,” said Wenbin.

“The US owes the world a responsible explanation. What we want to ask is why media outlets that have always been claiming themselves to be free, professional and fair have made few reports on the latest Nord Stream investigation, and such a major incident as the train accident that caused a chemical leak which is threatening American people‘s life and safety? As far as we know it is not the first time that this happened,” he continued.

Wengbin also attacked the Biden regime on why it is not protecting its people on the Ohio train derailment.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine revealed that the Biden Regime is actively refusing to help East Palestine. FEMA is claiming Ohio is “not eligible for assistance at this time.”

“Immediately after the explosions of the Nord Stream pipelines, we saw extensive coverage in Western media with one-sided speculations on who was “responsible” for the sabotage. What we see now, however, is that these media, hailed as free, professional and impartial, have fallen silent over Seymour Hersh’s investigative report. Doesn’t this call for concern and reflection?” Wengbin added.

“Since the train derailment caused the chemical leak in the US, many American people have questioned the US government and media for downplaying the accident. At public events, US officials described the balloon as a challenge to the US, yet said nothing about this serious chemical leak accident. On social media, many Americans are asking the US government: what is it hiding? People have sharp eyes. They have already seen through the US government’s calculations in overreacting to and dramatizing the unexpected incident of the civilian airship. They are fully aware who exactly is trying to deflect public attention,” he said.

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