Bear Refuses To Let Baby Go – Ranger Burst’s Into Tears When He Discovers Hidden Reason Why

Peter saw something moving in the distance. He knew he needed to be careful; there had been reports of predators in the area. Peter moved closer to see if it was the bear he was looking for. Then something else caught his attention; he saw the black bear, but the bear was carrying a baby. Peter turned pale; he had never seen this before in his life. Peter decided to take a slow approach; all kinds of questions and concerns popped into his head. He had no idea what the bear was doing with the baby.
He had no time to waste, but he had to be careful. Peter slowly approached the bear from behind. The bear had just put down the baby on the ground; this could be his chance to get the baby to safety. Peter knew that things could end badly if he made one wrong move. The bear turned around. At first, Peter thought the bear did not notice him, but then he saw the demeanor of the bear change; this wasn’t good at all.
Peter had an intense stare-down with the bear. From his experience as a Ranger, he knew he should not make sudden moves; he had to stand completely still. The bear grabbed the baby. Instead of lunging toward Peter, it quickly ran away. Peter tried to see where it was going, but it was too fast. He had to quickly inform his fellow Rangers to prepare a rescue party for the baby.
His fellow Rangers did not believe Peter at all. Peter was desperate for help but did not seem to give it up. So he had to call the police. They immediately came with every available officer in the area. They ignored Peter and went straight into the forest. They told Peter to stay put; they seemed pretty angry. Peter had no idea what was going on. What had his boss told these officers?
When Peter confronted him, he told Peter to sit down and wait; he would be questioned soon. Peter was confused. The officers came back within a few minutes. Peter was surprised; they surely did not search the entire forest within minutes. Peter was questioned about the bear he had supposedly seen. They also asked him about the baby. Peter knew what he had seen, and nobody seemed to take him seriously.
The police told Peter they would leave soon, and that they did. They did not find this funny. Peter broke down. He was forbidden to leave the office, and his boss still wanted to talk to him. He got really emotional due to all the stress that he was experiencing. Peter was suspended; he could not work as a ranger anymore. His boss and fellow Rangers believed something truly horrible was happening with Peter. They tried to get Peter to go to therapy; he had just lost his baby with his wife. That’s why no one believed him; they thought this trauma was still fresh and that he imagined a bear with his own baby.
Peter told them this wasn’t the case. Then he had a plan; he would figure this out all by himself. Peter decided he would go to the forest early in the morning; he knew no one would be watching the forest edge then so he could get in without trouble. He went over to his best friend Yakob, a fellow Ranger. He had heard what had happened. Peter explained the whole story to him. Jacob had never seen Peter in this state; he was very reluctant to go along with Peter, but he felt like he had no other option. He had to watch his friend.
Peter kept rambling about the baby and the bear. On their way to the forest, Yakob kept thinking that Peter had gone completely delusional. When they finally arrived at the spot Peter had seen the bear, Jacob spotted some tracks in the distance. He was instantly intrigued by what he had found. They had indeed found Black Bear Tracks. Jacob started to believe that Peter had at least seen the bear.
Black bears are no joke, and if he indeed kept a human baby with him, who knows what it is capable of doing. Out of nowhere, they heard a roar; Jacob froze. It was really close. Peter was now sure they were in the territory of the bear; the bear had probably smelled the two men. Reluctantly, Jacob followed Peter. Peter was convinced they were close right now; he already felt a lot of adrenaline. He had to get the baby from the bear; there was no way back now.
They spotted a cave in the distance; it was definitely no ordinary cave. Peter spotted the bear in the distance; he was totally shaken. He knew he wasn’t going crazy. Yakob was now totally convinced as well. Out of nowhere, they heard crying coming out of the cave; the bear seemed to react. Peter now knew for sure that the baby was inside the cave. Then the bear turned his head towards Yakob.
Yakob did not know how to react; Peter tells Yakob to just freeze. But Yakob is so extremely scared that he starts walking back. The bear was now quickly charging toward Yakob. Yakob runs away as fast as he possibly can; he hears the bear gaining on him. The worst possible thing happens; Yakob trips. He quickly got back onto his feet and climbed into a tree. Peter is all by himself now; he sees a clear path to the cave.
He hears Jacob screaming in the distance, but he feels like it is more important to go get the baby. He starts slowly walking towards the cave when he hears Jacob screaming that the bear is coming back. Peter finally reaches the cave; it is really dark inside. Peter quickly grabs his phone out of his pocket to get some light; he doesn’t know where to go.
Then he suddenly hears some noise from deeper inside the cave. He finally spots the baby, who seems unharmed at first glance. Peter is relieved and proud, but then he realizes he must get out of the cave as quickly as possible. Peter realizes that the bear is coming back; he hears the bear walking around inside the cave. Then the baby suddenly starts crying.
Peter tries to calm the baby, but it is too late. Peter is now backed into a corner by the bear; the bear seems to be very careful approaching Peter. Then Peter hears more noises out of nowhere; the bear seems to fall asleep. Peter realizes that the bear has been shot by some sedation darts without realizing it.
More Rangers started running inside the cave to rescue Peter. Yakob had called them right before they went into the forest. The Rangers took the baby to the nearest hospital with the help of the police. Peter got his apologies, but he was determined to get to the bottom of this mystery; they would soon uncover everything.
The baby was checked at the hospital; the police allowed Peter to stay with the baby. They also took a DNA sample to identify the baby. After a lot of checks, it appeared that the baby was healthy. Peter had not slept for 24 hours when he finally got some news. Nobody was looking for the baby; Peter felt desperate. His wife had arrived as well and urged him to rest.
Then a police captain called Peter into an office. Unfortunately, the parents of the baby had been found in the forest. They had apparently had a fatal car crash. After the crash, the bear took the baby in; they also could not find any family. Peter did not know what to see. Then he looked at his wife, and they both knew what had to be done.
They eventually adopted the child and raised it to be their own. Peter and his wife had never been happier in their lives. Peter got his job back as a ranger and felt on top of the world.