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“A 7-year-old girl walks into a police station, crying, and begs them to arrest her mother. ‘Please arrest my mom.’ When they find out what the mother was doing to the little girl, they are shocked.

It was dusk, and the atmosphere was filled with melancholy. Rose, with tired eyes and the weight of her resignation on her shoulders, entered her humble house. Her face expression carried the frustration accumulated over the day—the frustration of being fired. She was a cashier in a small grocery store in a poor part of town, but unfortunately, a large amount of money went missing during her shift. So, she ended up being fired, even though she denied it.

Rose was left with an overwhelming mixture of anger and helplessness. She struggled against the feeling of hatred that consumed her, and the weight of financial uncertainty made the feeling even more suffocating. ‘What am I going to do now?’ she asked herself as she arrived home.

As she walked into her house, Rose’s gloomy thoughts were momentarily interrupted by the excited voice of her 7-year-old daughter, Taylor. The little girl, with her sparkling eyes, ran towards her mother and hugged her with the joy of a child eagerly awaiting the return of the person she loved most in the world. ‘Hi, Mommy, you’re here,’ said the little girl with an innocent smile, beaming with joy.

However, the woman was far from being in a receptive state of mind. It had been a horrible day, and her dismissal was eating her up inside. Her response, although involuntary, was harsh and distant. ‘Hi, kid, go on, go to your room. I’m not feeling well today,’ she replied, pushing the girl away with one hand.

The abrupt and insensitive rejection upset Taylor. She couldn’t understand the reason for her mother’s reaction. After all, it wasn’t her fault that her day had been so difficult. Gradually, the joy on her childish face turned into an expression of sadness and confusion.

The little girl insisted on trying to talk to her mother several times, but over the last few weeks, she had experienced repeated rejections, something that had started to become a sad routine in her life. Then hunger gripped the girl’s stomach, and she gathered up the courage to ask for something to eat.

Rose, however, checked the fridge and realized that there was absolutely nothing there to eat. Her dismissal was certainly the worst thing that had happened because now she wasn’t going to receive unemployment benefits. Food was something she wouldn’t have for a long time. The poor mother was left without any income to make ends meet.

Rose’s anger only increased when she noticed the lack of food in the pantry too. While she was searching, she screamed uncontrollably, and her accumulated tension exploded in a fit of rage. ‘Oh, there’s not a crap in this house!’ she shouted, kicking the closet door that was in his way.

The little girl was startled by her mother’s furious shout and stepped away. ‘Calm down, Mommy,’ she tried to approach Rose to console her, but the response was merciless. ‘Stop bothering me, Taylor! If you don’t stop, you’ll get beaten up. Go to your room now!’ shouted Rose, pushing the girl furiously as she fled to her room, tears streaming down her face.

Life for these two poor souls was an eternal challenge marked by poverty and uncertainty. The house was a dilapidated shack next to an open sewer and reflected the difficulties they both faced on a daily basis. The small family lived on the edge of scarcity, often facing hunger and want.

However, Taylor’s willpower helped her maintain a glimmer of hope. She tried to smile even when everything seemed to be falling apart. The best part of her day, her happiest moment, was at school, where the meal guaranteed her at least one full meal, and she could eat as much as she wanted. But as soon as the bell marked the end of school, the atmosphere changed dramatically.

The little girl knew that when she returned home, she would face her mother’s tension and unpredictability. Although Rose wanted to provide a better life for her daughter, she was constantly filled with frustration and anger. In better times, when the income allowed, the woman did her best to give her little girl a little comfort.

Taylor remembered the times her mother would bring her a little treat or gift, which filled her with joy. She could feel Rose’s love and desire to provide a little happiness despite her limitations. But recently, their lives became even more dark. The woman had been diagnosed with a serious medical condition, a chronic disease—diabetes, which required continuous insulin treatment. The lack of resources to take care of her health plunged her into a state of despair and growing frustration, which made her increasingly angry and explosive.

She often blamed her declining health on her ex-husband, a man who had left her in search of a new life with a younger woman. The betrayal and abandonment left Rose emotionally devastated. The little girl suffered a lot too, but that also deprived her of part of his income. Her anger was often taken out on Taylor, the innocent little girl who had nothing to do with what had happened.

The girl helplessly witnessed her mother’s deteriorating health and the stress that consumed her. Verbal violence occurred at times, and the little girl was constantly the target of shouts and harsh words. The child was trapped in a hostile environment where she felt unwanted and threatened.

Until then, Rose had tried her best to keep her job as a cashier at the grocery store, as this was the only way she could provide food for her daughter. Even though her health was declining, she continued to work at her exhausting job, often skipping meals to make sure her little girl didn’t go hungry. However, their lives completely fell apart when the woman was fired. This left her branded as a criminal, and her anger grew even more, once again turning to her daughter as the target of her frustrations.

That night, the little girl went to bed with an empty stomach and tearful eyes. Hunger tormented her, but the anguish of being at home with an angry mother was even more oppressive. She didn’t understand why she was so angry and taking her anger out on her, but she couldn’t help feeling guilty, as if she was somehow responsible for all the problems.

‘Mommy is always mad,’ the poor girl thought, crying, hugging her teddy bear.

The next morning, Taylor woke up with a feeling of apprehension that consumed her. She left the room slowly, fearing that her mother was still angry with her. Her shaky, unsure voice echoed through the house as she called out to the woman, ‘Mom, Mom, are you still angry with me?’

Walking with hesitant steps, she searched the house for her mother, but something in the air warned her to prepare for the worst. Her large eyes were wet, and she tried to hold back the tears, although fear continued to eat away at her. It was then that she saw Rose lying on the sofa. The woman looked frail and ill, which made the girl want to do something to take care of her.

As a gesture of compassion, the little girl decided to prepare something for her mother to eat—a task she had witnessed many times before. With childlike innocence, she put a kettle of water on, hoping that a cup of tea would calm her mother down and perhaps

ease the tension that hung over them.

However, fate was about to play a cruel trick on her. As she tried to take the kettle off the stove, her small hand slipped, knocking everything over and splashing boiling water everywhere. The fright was immediate, and she let out a scream as the water hit her delicate skin. The kettle crashed to the floor, wetting and spilling the few tea leaves they still had.

Rose jumped up from the sofa, despite being weak, and couldn’t control her anger. Her eyes blazing with fury, she advanced towards her daughter. ‘Mom, I just wanted to help,’ said Taylor, frightened, and ran to her room, tears streaming down her face. Her mother followed her, furious and impatient, shouting, ‘I’m going to hit you, Taylor! Look what a mess you’ve made!’

The little girl, trembling with fear, begged with tears in her eyes, sobbing, ‘Please, Mom, don’t. I didn’t mean to do it. I swear it was an accident.’ But her mother continued to chase her relentlessly to her room, and Rose, sighing, said, ‘Come here, Taylor. I have to tell you something.’

And so the next day came. The morning at the police station began like any other. The police officers were busy with their usual tasks, and everything seemed quiet. People came and went, registering complaints and seeking help with various problems. However, this seemingly ordinary day soon took an unexpected turn.

Around noon, the little girl, Taylor, suddenly burst through the doors of the establishment, screaming desperately, ‘Please help me! You have to arrest my mommy!’ Her face was contorted with anguish, and tears were running down her cheeks. The policemen were perplexed by the scene, unable to understand what was happening. The girl continued to cry and beg for help. ‘She has to be arrested now! Please, someone, arrest my mommy!’ she repeated in desperation.

The deputy quickly approached the little girl and gently led her to a bench. She sat down, and he looked at her with empathy. ‘Hi, honey. What happened? Explain it to me. Why do you want us to arrest your mother?’ he asked. While he was trying to get the girl to talk, he began to examine her discreetly. That’s when the man and the other policemen noticed something shocking—the child had purple spots and bruises on her leg.

The policeman’s eyes widened in horror as reality began to unfold before them. It was clear that the girl was suffering physical violence. The officers tried to calm the girl down, offering her comfort and reassurance. The child was visibly frightened, traumatized, and determined to arrest her mother.

Then the deputy asked the little girl where she lived. Taylor answered hesitantly, giving only a general description of the area, as she didn’t know the exact address. However, she mentioned an important point of reference—they lived in a house near the sewer. It was remote and difficult to access, but there was only one house there.

The little girl continued to explain the situation with tears in her eyes. She said that her mother was getting unwell and that every day she seemed to get worse. ‘She’s not well, and you have to arrest her,’ she pleaded.

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the deputy immediately took action. He ordered a police vehicle to be sent urgently to arrest the woman and investigate the situation at her home. The girl had made a courageous cry for help, and now the police were determined to act on her behalf.

Meanwhile, Rose was at home, unaware of the turn her life was about to take. When the officers arrived on the scene, they simply burst in and arrested her. ‘I didn’t do anything! I didn’t do anything!’ Despite her vehement protests, they handcuffed her and took her away. ‘You have the right to remain silent,’ they said as they put her in the car.

Back at the police station, as soon as he heard the news on the radio, the deputy turned to the little girl and said, ‘All right, darling. Everything’s going to be okay. The officers have already arrested your mother.’ He smiled when he saw the relief in the girl’s eyes, as she finally had hope that her situation might improve.

Sometime later, the scene at the police station became even more chaotic when Rose arrived, escorted by police officers and screaming in despair. ‘I didn’t do anything! What am I being accused of?’ She looked around, confused and frightened, not fully understanding the situation she was in.

The police explained that she would need to be questioned to clarify the situation. The woman was confused and terrified, wondering what could have led to her arrest. However, when she entered the hall of the police station, everything got worse when she realized that her little girl was there. When she saw Taylor sitting on a bench with the deputy, her expression changed from bewilderment to surprise.

‘Taylor, darling, what are you doing here?’ Rose asked, her eyes full of disbelief and concern. The deputy began to explain that the little girl had been responsible for reporting her to the authorities, but out of nowhere, the little girl got up and ran to her mother. She hugged her and said, ‘It was me, Mom. It was me who had you arrested. Everything will be all right now.’

A wave of shock went through the room, and everyone present was confused. After all, why would the girl hug her mother after making such a serious accusation? But, ‘Darling, why did you do this?’ the woman asked, what everyone wanted to know but no one could imagine the reason behind the little girl’s request.

Taylor broke the tense silence at the police station with these surprising words, ‘I asked them to arrest you, Mom, because in jail, there’s free food and free doctors for the prisoners.’ Everyone went silent, including the officers and the deputy. Everyone was stunned by this unexpected revelation. It was hard to believe that a child of only seven had made such a drastic and courageous decision.

Then the little girl began to explain how she had come to this conclusion. It turned out that on her way home from school, she had passed a bar where a news channel was showing a report about the inside of a penitentiary. The report highlighted the services offered to inmates, including a free infirmary and three meals a day. ‘I saw that there’s a free doctor there, Mom. You could take care of your illness without having to pay anything there, and they also give you a meal three times a day. You wouldn’t go hungry anymore,’ explained the poor daughter, her eyes full of tears.

At that moment, Rose’s heart ached. Some of the police couldn’t contain their emotions either and cried with compassion. Others were still trying to understand the child’s love for her mother, who cared so much about her that she wanted her to go to prison so that she could have the help she needed.

The deputy, deeply moved by the story, ordered the woman’s handcuffs to be removed. Mother and daughter hugged tightly, and tears flowed freely down their faces. Rose was relieved to have her daughter back, and Taylor was grateful to have found a way to help her mother.

Obviously, the deputy asked them to go to his office to explain the story better. After talking to him, Rose explained the events that had led her into this difficult situation. She revealed that she had been unfairly fired.

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