Two sisters who live life as conjoined twins have opened up about their dating life.
Taking part in a video called ‘We’re Conjoined Twins. Ask Us Anything’ by the Jubilee YouTube channel, Carmen and Lupita were put in the spotlight and answered questions from curious fans.
The twins – who are joined at the torso but have two arms each – were asked a range of questions focused on different subjects, from clothing complications to careers.
One person asked the pair how they navigate romantic relationships, with Lupita interestingly revealing: “So I’m actually asexual and aromantic.”
The term “asexual” refers to a gender identity where someone experiences little or no sexual attraction to others, or low or absent desire for sexual activity.

Carmen, on the other hand, replied that she was in a long-term relationship and that the pair have been going strong for 18 months, stating: “I’ve been dating my current boyfriend for about a year and a half.” She even added that they had met on the dating app, Hinge.
When asked whether that was slightly awkward, given that she is conjoined with her sister, she said: “Not gonna lie, it was really awkward. I was obviously going to be transparent about everything. It was a learning process for everybody – we obviously had to have a discussion on what boundaries are okay and what aren’t.”
One of those boundaries was whether the pair would be intimate, which Carmen revealed they weren’t – however, she says her boyfriend is okay with that.
Among other questions directed at the twins was whether there had been any possibility of medical separation. Lupita swiftly replied: “So, our parents tried to find doctors that can, but we finally got our final answer of ‘No’ when we were four years old.”
“If they tried to separate us, either one of us would pass away, both of us could pass away, or we would never leave the hospital from needing so many transplants or other medical procedures to stay alive,” Carmen subsequently chimed in.

Among other questions directed at the twins was whether there had been any possibility of medical separation. Lupita swiftly replied: “So, our parents tried to find doctors that can, but we finally got our final answer of ‘No’ when we were four years old.”
“If they tried to separate us either one of us would pass away, both of us could pass away, or we would never leave the hospital from needing so many transplants or other medical procedures to stay alive,” Carmen subsequently chimed in.
The pair, who were born in 2002, were only expected to live to three days, the Daily Mail reported. As they grew older, Carmen and Lupita spent years in physical therapy together, learning how to sit up and walk, taking their first steps at age four.
Per The Mirror, Carmen and Lupita are They are omphalopagus twins – meaning they each have their own heart, a set of arms, a set of lungs, and a stomach.
However, they also share a liver, their circulatory system, and some ribs, as well as their digestive and reproductive systems